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QtxPopupMgr Member List

This is the complete list of members for QtxPopupMgr, including all inherited members.

action(const int) const QtxActionMgr
actionId(const QAction *) const QtxActionMgr
append(const int, const int, const int)QtxActionMenuMgr
append(QAction *, const int, const int)QtxActionMenuMgr
append(const QString &, const int, const int, const int=-1)QtxActionMenuMgr
CacheMap typedefQtxPopupMgrprivate
change(const int, const QString &)QtxActionMenuMgrvirtual
contains(const int) const QtxActionMgr
containsMenu(const QString &, const int, const bool=false) const QtxActionMenuMgr
containsMenu(const int, const int, const bool=false) const QtxActionMenuMgr
count() const QtxActionMgr
EnableRule enum valueQtxPopupMgr
expression(QAction *, const RuleType=VisibleRule, const bool=false) const QtxPopupMgrprotected
ExprMap typedefQtxPopupMgrprivate
find(const int, const int, const bool=true) const QtxActionMenuMgrprotected
find(const int, MenuNode *=0, const bool=true) const QtxActionMenuMgrprotected
find(const int, NodeList &, MenuNode *=0) const QtxActionMenuMgrprotected
find(const QString &, const int, const bool=true) const QtxActionMenuMgrprotected
find(const QString &, MenuNode *=0, const bool=true) const QtxActionMenuMgrprotected
find(const QString &, NodeList &, MenuNode *=0) const QtxActionMenuMgrprotected
findId(const int, const int=-1) const QtxActionMenuMgrprotected
findMenu(const int) const QtxActionMenuMgr
findMenu(const QString &, const int, const bool=false) const QtxActionMenuMgr
generateId() const QtxActionMgrprotected
hasRule(QAction *, const RuleType=VisibleRule) const QtxPopupMgr
hasRule(const int, const RuleType=VisibleRule) const QtxPopupMgr
hide(const int)QtxActionMenuMgr
idList() const QtxActionMgr
insert(const int, const QString &, const int, const int=-1)QtxActionMenuMgr
insert(QAction *, const QString &, const int, const int=-1)QtxActionMenuMgr
insert(const int, const QStringList &, const int, const int=-1)QtxActionMenuMgr
insert(QAction *, const QStringList &, const int, const int=-1)QtxActionMenuMgr
insert(const int, const int, const int, const int=-1)QtxActionMenuMgrvirtual
insert(QAction *, const int, const int, const int=-1)QtxActionMenuMgr
insert(const QString &, const QString &, const int, const int=-1, const int=-1)QtxActionMenuMgr
insert(const QString &, const QStringList &, const int, const int=-1, const int=-1)QtxActionMenuMgr
insert(const QString &, const int, const int, const int=-1, const int=-1, QMenu *=0)QtxActionMenuMgrvirtual
insertAction(const int, const int, const QString &, const RuleType=VisibleRule)QtxPopupMgr
insertAction(QAction *, const int, const QString &, const RuleType=VisibleRule)QtxPopupMgr
isEmpty() const QtxActionMgr
isEmptyEnabled(const int) const QtxActionMenuMgr
isEnabled(const int) const QtxActionMgrvirtual
isSatisfied(QAction *, const RuleType=VisibleRule) const QtxPopupMgrprotectedvirtual
isShown(const int) const QtxActionMenuMgr
isUpdatesEnabled() const QtxActionMgr
isVisible(const int actId, const int place) const QtxPopupMgrvirtual
itemAction(const int) const QtxActionMenuMgrprotected
load(const QString &, QtxActionMgr::Reader &)QtxPopupMgrvirtual
menu() const QtxPopupMgr
menuAboutToHide(QMenu *)QtxActionMenuMgrsignal
menuAboutToShow(QMenu *)QtxActionMenuMgrsignal
menuAction(const int) const QtxActionMenuMgrprotected
menuActionId(QAction *) const QtxActionMenuMgrprotected
menuWidget() const QtxActionMenuMgr
onSelectionDestroyed(QObject *)QtxPopupMgrprivateslot
parameter(const QString &, const int=-1) const QtxPopupMgrprivate
prepend(const int, const int, const int)QtxActionMenuMgr
prepend(QAction *, const int, const int)QtxActionMenuMgr
prepend(const QString &, const int, const int, const int=-1)QtxActionMenuMgr
QtxActionMenuMgr(QMainWindow *)QtxActionMenuMgr
QtxActionMenuMgr(QWidget *, QObject *)QtxActionMenuMgr
QtxActionMgr(QObject *parent)QtxActionMgr
QtxPopupMgr(QObject *=0)QtxPopupMgr
QtxPopupMgr(QMenu *, QObject *=0)QtxPopupMgr
QtxPopupSelection classQtxPopupMgrfriend
registerAction(QAction *, const int, const QString &rule, const RuleType=VisibleRule)QtxPopupMgrvirtual
QtxActionMenuMgr::registerAction(QAction *, const int=-1)QtxActionMgrvirtual
remove(const int)QtxActionMenuMgr
remove(const int, const int, const int=-1)QtxActionMenuMgr
removeMenu(const int, MenuNode *)QtxActionMenuMgrprotected
result(QtxEvalParser *p) const QtxPopupMgrprivate
rule(QAction *, const RuleType=VisibleRule) const QtxPopupMgr
rule(const int, const RuleType=VisibleRule) const QtxPopupMgr
RuleMap typedefQtxPopupMgrprivate
RuleType enum nameQtxPopupMgr
selection() const QtxPopupMgr
separator(const bool=false)QtxActionMgrstatic
setEmptyEnabled(const int, const bool)QtxActionMenuMgr
setEnabled(const int, const bool)QtxActionMgrvirtual
setMenu(QMenu *)QtxPopupMgr
setMenuWidget(QWidget *)QtxActionMenuMgrprotected
setParameters(QtxEvalParser *, QStringList &) const QtxPopupMgrprotected
setRule(QAction *, const QString &, const RuleType=VisibleRule)QtxPopupMgr
setRule(const int, const QString &, const RuleType=VisibleRule)QtxPopupMgr
setSelection(QtxPopupSelection *)QtxPopupMgr
setShown(const int, const bool)QtxActionMenuMgr
setUpdatesEnabled(const bool)QtxActionMgrvirtual
setVisible(const int, const int, const bool)QtxActionMenuMgrvirtual
show(const int)QtxActionMenuMgr
ToggleRule enum valueQtxPopupMgr
unRegisterAction(const int)QtxPopupMgrvirtual
QtxActionMenuMgr::updateMenu(MenuNode *=0, const bool=true, const bool=true)QtxActionMenuMgrprotected
VisibleRule enum valueQtxPopupMgr