This is the complete list of members for SPlot2d_Viewer, including all inherited members.
AfterDisplay(SALOME_Displayer *, const SALOME_Prs *) | SALOME_View | virtual |
AfterErase(SALOME_Displayer *, const SALOME_Prs *) | SALOME_View | virtual |
BeforeDisplay(SALOME_Displayer *, const SALOME_Prs *) | SALOME_View | virtual |
BeforeErase(SALOME_Displayer *, const SALOME_Prs *) | SALOME_View | virtual |
ButtonsMap typedef | SUIT_ViewModel | |
clearPrs() | Plot2d_Viewer | |
clearSelected() | SPlot2d_Viewer | signal |
contextMenuPopup(QMenu *) | Plot2d_Viewer | virtual |
CreatePrs(const char *entry=0) | SPlot2d_Viewer | virtual |
createView(SUIT_Desktop *theDesktop) | SPlot2d_Viewer | virtual |
Display(const Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject)&IObject, bool update=true) | SPlot2d_Viewer | |
Display(const SALOME_Prs2d *) | SPlot2d_Viewer | virtual |
SALOME_View::Display(SALOME_Displayer *, const SALOME_Prs *) | SALOME_View | |
SALOME_View::Display(const SALOME_OCCPrs *) | SALOME_View | virtual |
SALOME_View::Display(const SALOME_VTKPrs *) | SALOME_View | virtual |
DisplayOnly(const Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject)&IObject) | SPlot2d_Viewer | |
Erase(const Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject)&IObject, bool update=true) | SPlot2d_Viewer | |
Erase(const SALOME_Prs2d *, const bool=false) | SPlot2d_Viewer | virtual |
SALOME_View::Erase(SALOME_Displayer *, const SALOME_Prs *, const bool=false) | SALOME_View | |
SALOME_View::Erase(const SALOME_OCCPrs *, const bool=false) | SALOME_View | virtual |
SALOME_View::Erase(const SALOME_VTKPrs *, const bool=false) | SALOME_View | virtual |
EraseAll(SALOME_Displayer *, const bool=false) | SPlot2d_Viewer | virtual |
FIT_AREA enum value | SUIT_ViewModel | |
getActiveViewFrame() | SPlot2d_Viewer | |
getCurveByIO(const Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject)&, Plot2d_ViewFrame *=0) | SPlot2d_Viewer | |
getHotButton(InteractionStyle theInteractionStyle, HotOperation theOper, Qt::KeyboardModifiers &theState, Qt::MouseButtons &theButton) | SUIT_ViewModel | static |
getPrs() const | Plot2d_Viewer | inline |
getType() const | SPlot2d_Viewer | inlinevirtual |
getViewManager() const | SUIT_ViewModel | |
GetVisible(SALOME_ListIO &theList) | SPlot2d_Viewer | virtual |
GlobalSelection(const bool=false) const | SALOME_View | virtual |
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) FindIObject(const char *Entry) | SPlot2d_Viewer | |
highlight(const Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject)&IObject, bool highlight, bool update=true) | SPlot2d_Viewer | inline |
HotOperation enum name | SUIT_ViewModel | |
InteractionStyle enum name | SUIT_ViewModel | |
InteractionStyle2ButtonsMap typedef | SUIT_ViewModel | |
InteractionStyle2StatesMap typedef | SUIT_ViewModel | |
isInViewer(const Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject)&IObject) | SPlot2d_Viewer | |
isVisible(const Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject)&IObject) | SPlot2d_Viewer | virtual |
KEY_FREE enum value | SUIT_ViewModel | |
legendSelected(const QString &) | SPlot2d_Viewer | signal |
LocalSelection(const SALOME_Prs *, const int) | SALOME_View | |
LocalSelection(const SALOME_Prs *, const std::list< int >) | SALOME_View | |
LocalSelection(const SALOME_OCCPrs *, const int) | SALOME_View | virtual |
LocalSelection(const SALOME_OCCPrs *, const std::list< int >) | SALOME_View | virtual |
LocalSelection(const SALOME_VTKPrs *, const int) | SALOME_View | virtual |
LocalSelection(const SALOME_Prs2d *, const int) | SALOME_View | virtual |
myButtonMap | SUIT_ViewModel | static |
myDeselectAnalytical | SPlot2d_Viewer | private |
myStateMap | SUIT_ViewModel | static |
myViewManager | SUIT_ViewModel | protected |
onChangeBgColor() | Plot2d_Viewer | protectedslot |
onClicked(const QVariant &, int) | SPlot2d_Viewer | protectedvirtualslot |
onCloneView(Plot2d_ViewFrame *, Plot2d_ViewFrame *) | Plot2d_Viewer | protectedvirtualslot |
onDumpView() | Plot2d_Viewer | protectedslot |
onShowToolbar() | Plot2d_Viewer | protectedslot |
PAN enum value | SUIT_ViewModel | |
Plot2d_Viewer(bool theAutoDel=false) | Plot2d_Viewer | |
rename(const Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject)&, const QString &, Plot2d_ViewFrame *=0) | SPlot2d_Viewer | |
renameAll(const Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject)&, const QString &) | SPlot2d_Viewer | |
Repaint() | SPlot2d_Viewer | virtual |
ROTATE enum value | SUIT_ViewModel | |
setAutoDel(bool theDel) | Plot2d_Viewer | |
setHotButton(InteractionStyle theInteractionStyle, HotOperation theOper, Qt::KeyboardModifiers theState, Qt::MouseButtons theButton) | SUIT_ViewModel | static |
setObjectsSelected(SALOME_ListIO &theList) | SPlot2d_Viewer | virtual |
setPrs(Plot2d_Prs *thePrs) | Plot2d_Viewer | |
setViewManager(SUIT_ViewManager *) | Plot2d_Viewer | virtual |
SPlot2d_Viewer(bool theAutoDel=false) | SPlot2d_Viewer | |
STANDARD enum value | SUIT_ViewModel | |
StatesMap typedef | SUIT_ViewModel | |
SUIT_ViewModel() | SUIT_ViewModel | |
Type() | SPlot2d_Viewer | inlinestatic |
unHighlightAll() | SPlot2d_Viewer | inline |
update() | Plot2d_Viewer | |
viewCloned(SUIT_ViewWindow *) | Plot2d_Viewer | signal |
ZOOM enum value | SUIT_ViewModel | |
~Plot2d_Viewer() | Plot2d_Viewer | |
~SALOME_View() | SALOME_View | inlinevirtual |
~SPlot2d_Viewer() | SPlot2d_Viewer | virtual |
~SUIT_ViewModel() | SUIT_ViewModel | virtual |