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INTERP_KERNEL::PlanarIntersector< MyMeshType, MyMatrix > Class Template Reference
Inheritance diagram for INTERP_KERNEL::PlanarIntersector< MyMeshType, MyMatrix >:
Collaboration diagram for INTERP_KERNEL::PlanarIntersector< MyMeshType, MyMatrix >:

Public Types

typedef MyMeshType::MyConnType ConnType
typedef std::map< int,
std::set< int > > 
- Public Types inherited from INTERP_KERNEL::TargetIntersector< MyMeshType, MyMatrix >
typedef MyMeshType::MyConnType ConnType

Public Member Functions

void adjustBoundingBoxes (std::vector< double > &bbox, double surf3DAdjustmentEps, double surf3DAdjustmentEpsAbs)
void createBoundingBoxes (const MyMeshType &mesh, std::vector< double > &bbox)
void getElemBB (double *bb, const MyMeshType &mesh, ConnType iP, ConnType nb_nodes)
virtual const DuplicateFacesTypegetIntersectFaces () const
 PlanarIntersector (const MyMeshType &meshT, const MyMeshType &meshS, double dimCaracteristic, double precision, double md3DSurf, double minDot3DSurf, double medianPlane, bool doRotate, int orientation, int printLevel)
virtual ~PlanarIntersector ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from INTERP_KERNEL::TargetIntersector< MyMeshType, MyMatrix >
virtual int getNumberOfColsOfResMatrix () const =0
virtual int getNumberOfRowsOfResMatrix () const =0
virtual void intersectCells (ConnType targetCell, const std::vector< ConnType > &srcCells, MyMatrix &res)=0
virtual ~TargetIntersector ()

Static Public Member Functions

static int Projection (double *Coords_A, double *Coords_B, int nb_NodesA, int nb_NodesB, double epsilon, double md3DSurf, double minDot3DSurf, double median_plane, bool do_rotate)

Static Public Attributes

static const int MESHDIM =MyMeshType::MY_MESHDIM
static const NumberingPolicy numPol =MyMeshType::My_numPol
static const int SPACEDIM =MyMeshType::MY_SPACEDIM

Protected Member Functions

void getRealCoordinates (ConnType icellT, ConnType icellS, ConnType nbNodesT, ConnType nbNodesS, std::vector< double > &coordsT, std::vector< double > &coordsS, int &orientation)
void getRealSourceCoordinates (ConnType icellS, std::vector< double > &coordsS)
void getRealSourceCoordinatesPermute (ConnType icellS, int offset, std::vector< double > &coordsS)
void getRealTargetCoordinates (ConnType icellT, std::vector< double > &coordsT)
void getRealTargetCoordinatesPermute (ConnType icellT, int offset, std::vector< double > &coordsT)
double getValueRegardingOption (double val) const
int projectionThis (double *Coords_A, double *Coords_B, int nb_NodesA, int nb_NodesB)

Static Protected Member Functions

static void Rotate3DTriangle (double *PP1, double *PP2, double *PP3, TranslationRotationMatrix &rotation_matrix)

Protected Attributes

const ConnType_connectS
const ConnType_connectT
const ConnType_connIndexS
const ConnType_connIndexT
const double * _coordsS
const double * _coordsT
double _dim_caracteristic
bool _do_rotate
double _max_distance_3Dsurf_intersect
double _median_plane
const MyMeshType & _meshS
const MyMeshType & _meshT
double _min_dot_btw_3Dsurf_intersect
int _orientation
double _precision
int _print_level

Member Typedef Documentation

template<class MyMeshType, class MyMatrix>
typedef MyMeshType::MyConnType INTERP_KERNEL::PlanarIntersector< MyMeshType, MyMatrix >::ConnType
template<class MyMeshType, class MyMatrix>
typedef std::map<int,std::set<int> > INTERP_KERNEL::PlanarIntersector< MyMeshType, MyMatrix >::DuplicateFacesType

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class MyMeshType , class MyMatrix >
INTERP_KERNEL::PlanarIntersector< MyMeshType, MyMatrix >::PlanarIntersector ( const MyMeshType &  meshT,
const MyMeshType &  meshS,
double  dimCaracteristic,
double  precision,
double  md3DSurf,
double  minDot3DSurf,
double  medianPlane,
bool  doRotate,
int  orientation,
int  printLevel 
template<class MyMeshType , class MyMatrix >
INTERP_KERNEL::PlanarIntersector< MyMeshType, MyMatrix >::~PlanarIntersector ( )

Member Function Documentation

template<class MyMeshType , class MyMatrix >
void INTERP_KERNEL::PlanarIntersector< MyMeshType, MyMatrix >::createBoundingBoxes ( const MyMeshType &  mesh,
std::vector< double > &  bbox 

creates the bounding boxes for all the cells of mesh mesh

The method accepts mixed meshes (containing triangles and quadrangles). The vector returned is of dimension 6*nb_elems with bounding boxes stored as xmin1, xmax1, ymin1, ymax1, zmin1, zmax1, xmin2, xmax2, ymin2,... The returned pointer must be deleted by the calling code.

meshstructure pointing to the mesh
bboxvector containing the bounding boxes
template<class MyMeshType , class MyMatrix >
void INTERP_KERNEL::PlanarIntersector< MyMeshType, MyMatrix >::adjustBoundingBoxes ( std::vector< double > &  bbox,
double  surf3DAdjustmentEps,
double  surf3DAdjustmentEpsAbs 

Readjusts a set of bounding boxes so that they are extended in all dimensions for avoiding missing interesting intersections

bboxvector containing the bounding boxes

Referenced by INTERP_KERNEL::Interpolation3DSurf::performAdjustmentOfBB().

template<class MyMeshType , class MyMatrix >
void INTERP_KERNEL::PlanarIntersector< MyMeshType, MyMatrix >::getElemBB ( double *  bb,
const MyMeshType &  mesh,
ConnType  iP,
ConnType  nb_nodes 

Computes the bouding box of a given element. iP in numPol mode.

template<class MyMeshType , class MyMatrix >
int INTERP_KERNEL::PlanarIntersector< MyMeshType, MyMatrix >::Projection ( double *  Coords_A,
double *  Coords_B,
int  nb_NodesA,
int  nb_NodesB,
double  epsilon,
double  md3DSurf,
double  minDot3DSurf,
double  median_plane,
bool  do_rotate 
template<class MyMeshType, class MyMatrix>
virtual const DuplicateFacesType* INTERP_KERNEL::PlanarIntersector< MyMeshType, MyMatrix >::getIntersectFaces ( ) const
template<class MyMeshType , class MyMatrix >
int INTERP_KERNEL::PlanarIntersector< MyMeshType, MyMatrix >::projectionThis ( double *  Coords_A,
double *  Coords_B,
int  nb_NodesA,
int  nb_NodesB 
template<class MyMeshType , class MyMatrix >
void INTERP_KERNEL::PlanarIntersector< MyMeshType, MyMatrix >::getRealTargetCoordinates ( ConnType  icellT,
std::vector< double > &  coordsT 
icellTid in target mesh in format of MyMeshType.
coordsToutput val that stores coordinates of the target cell automatically resized to the right length.
template<class MyMeshType , class MyMatrix >
void INTERP_KERNEL::PlanarIntersector< MyMeshType, MyMatrix >::getRealSourceCoordinates ( ConnType  icellS,
std::vector< double > &  coordsS 
icellSid in source mesh in format of MyMeshType.
coordsSoutput val that stores coordinates of the source cell automatically resized to the right length.
template<class MyMeshType , class MyMatrix >
void INTERP_KERNEL::PlanarIntersector< MyMeshType, MyMatrix >::getRealTargetCoordinatesPermute ( ConnType  icellT,
int  offset,
std::vector< double > &  coordsT 
icellTid in target mesh in format of MyMeshType.
offsetis a value in C format that indicates the number of circular permutation.
coordsToutput val that stores coordinates of the target cell automatically resized to the right length.
template<class MyMeshType , class MyMatrix >
void INTERP_KERNEL::PlanarIntersector< MyMeshType, MyMatrix >::getRealSourceCoordinatesPermute ( ConnType  icellS,
int  offset,
std::vector< double > &  coordsS 
icellSid in source mesh in format of MyMeshType.
offsetis a value in C format that indicates the number of circular permutation.
coordsSoutput val that stores coordinates of the source cell automatically resized to the right length.
template<class MyMeshType , class MyMatrix >
void INTERP_KERNEL::PlanarIntersector< MyMeshType, MyMatrix >::getRealCoordinates ( ConnType  icellT,
ConnType  icellS,
ConnType  nbNodesT,
ConnType  nbNodesS,
std::vector< double > &  coordsT,
std::vector< double > &  coordsS,
int &  orientation 
icellTid in target mesh in format of MyMeshType.
icellSid in source mesh in format of MyMeshType.
nbNodesTnb of nodes of the target cell.
nbNodesSnb of nodes of the source cell.
coordsToutput val that stores coordinates of the target cell automatically resized to the right length.
coordsSoutput val that stores coordinates of the source cell automatically resized to the right length.
orientationis an output value too, only set if SPACEDIM==3.
template<class MyMeshType , class MyMatrix >
double INTERP_KERNEL::PlanarIntersector< MyMeshType, MyMatrix >::getValueRegardingOption ( double  val) const

Filtering out zero surfaces and badly oriented surfaces _orientation = -1,0,1,2 -1 : the intersection is taken into account if target and cells have different orientation 0 : the intersection is always taken into account 1 : the intersection is taken into account if target and cells have the same orientation 2 : the absolute value of intersection is always taken into account

template<class MyMeshType , class MyMatrix >
void INTERP_KERNEL::PlanarIntersector< MyMeshType, MyMatrix >::Rotate3DTriangle ( double *  PP1,
double *  PP2,
double *  PP3,
TranslationRotationMatrix &  rotation_matrix 

Member Data Documentation

template<class MyMeshType, class MyMatrix>
const int INTERP_KERNEL::PlanarIntersector< MyMeshType, MyMatrix >::SPACEDIM =MyMeshType::MY_SPACEDIM
template<class MyMeshType, class MyMatrix>
const int INTERP_KERNEL::PlanarIntersector< MyMeshType, MyMatrix >::MESHDIM =MyMeshType::MY_MESHDIM
template<class MyMeshType, class MyMatrix>
const NumberingPolicy INTERP_KERNEL::PlanarIntersector< MyMeshType, MyMatrix >::numPol =MyMeshType::My_numPol
template<class MyMeshType, class MyMatrix>
const ConnType* INTERP_KERNEL::PlanarIntersector< MyMeshType, MyMatrix >::_connectT
template<class MyMeshType, class MyMatrix>
const ConnType* INTERP_KERNEL::PlanarIntersector< MyMeshType, MyMatrix >::_connectS
template<class MyMeshType, class MyMatrix>
const double* INTERP_KERNEL::PlanarIntersector< MyMeshType, MyMatrix >::_coordsT
template<class MyMeshType, class MyMatrix>
const double* INTERP_KERNEL::PlanarIntersector< MyMeshType, MyMatrix >::_coordsS
template<class MyMeshType, class MyMatrix>
const ConnType* INTERP_KERNEL::PlanarIntersector< MyMeshType, MyMatrix >::_connIndexT
template<class MyMeshType, class MyMatrix>
const ConnType* INTERP_KERNEL::PlanarIntersector< MyMeshType, MyMatrix >::_connIndexS
template<class MyMeshType, class MyMatrix>
const MyMeshType& INTERP_KERNEL::PlanarIntersector< MyMeshType, MyMatrix >::_meshT
template<class MyMeshType, class MyMatrix>
const MyMeshType& INTERP_KERNEL::PlanarIntersector< MyMeshType, MyMatrix >::_meshS
template<class MyMeshType, class MyMatrix>
double INTERP_KERNEL::PlanarIntersector< MyMeshType, MyMatrix >::_dim_caracteristic
template<class MyMeshType, class MyMatrix>
double INTERP_KERNEL::PlanarIntersector< MyMeshType, MyMatrix >::_max_distance_3Dsurf_intersect
template<class MyMeshType, class MyMatrix>
double INTERP_KERNEL::PlanarIntersector< MyMeshType, MyMatrix >::_min_dot_btw_3Dsurf_intersect
template<class MyMeshType, class MyMatrix>
double INTERP_KERNEL::PlanarIntersector< MyMeshType, MyMatrix >::_precision
template<class MyMeshType, class MyMatrix>
double INTERP_KERNEL::PlanarIntersector< MyMeshType, MyMatrix >::_median_plane
template<class MyMeshType, class MyMatrix>
bool INTERP_KERNEL::PlanarIntersector< MyMeshType, MyMatrix >::_do_rotate
template<class MyMeshType, class MyMatrix>
int INTERP_KERNEL::PlanarIntersector< MyMeshType, MyMatrix >::_orientation
template<class MyMeshType, class MyMatrix>
int INTERP_KERNEL::PlanarIntersector< MyMeshType, MyMatrix >::_print_level