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GEOM_IBooleanOperations Interface Reference

Interface for boolean operations (Cut, Fuse, Common) More...

import "GEOM_Gen.idl";

Public Member Functions

GEOM_Object MakeBoolean (in GEOM_Object theShape1, in GEOM_Object theShape2, in long theOperation, in boolean IsCheckSelfInte)
 Perform one of boolean operations on two given shapes. More...
GEOM_Object MakeFuse (in GEOM_Object theShape1, in GEOM_Object theShape2, in boolean IsCheckSelfInte, in boolean IsRmExtraEdges)
 Perform fusion boolean operation on two given shapes. More...
GEOM_Object MakeFuseList (in ListOfGO theShapes, in boolean IsCheckSelfInte, in boolean IsRmExtraEdges)
 Perform fusion boolean operation on list of objects. More...
GEOM_Object MakeCommonList (in ListOfGO theShapes, in boolean IsCheckSelfInte)
 Perform common boolean operation on list of objects. More...
GEOM_Object MakeCutList (in GEOM_Object theMainShape, in ListOfGO theShapes, in boolean IsCheckSelfInte)
 Perform cutting of list of objects from theMainShape. More...
GEOM_Object MakePartition (in ListOfGO theShapes, in ListOfGO theTools, in ListOfGO theKeepInside, in ListOfGO theRemoveInside, in short theLimit, in boolean theRemoveWebs, in ListOfLong theMaterials, in short theKeepNonlimitShapes)
 Perform partition operation. More...
GEOM_Object MakePartitionNonSelfIntersectedShape (in ListOfGO theShapes, in ListOfGO theTools, in ListOfGO theKeepInside, in ListOfGO theRemoveInside, in short theLimit, in boolean theRemoveWebs, in ListOfLong theMaterials, in short theKeepNonlimitShapes, in boolean IsCheckSelfInte)
 Perform partition operation. More...
GEOM_Object MakeHalfPartition (in GEOM_Object theShape, in GEOM_Object thePlane)
 Perform partition of the Shape with the Plane. More...
boolean IsDone ()
 To know, if the operation was successfully performed. More...
void SetErrorCode (in string theErrorID)
 Set the operation error code. More...
string GetErrorCode ()
 Get the operation error code. More...
long GetStudyID ()
 Get ID of study, where the operation is defined. More...
void StartOperation ()
 Opens a new transaction. More...
void FinishOperation ()
 Closes the previously opened trasaction. More...
void AbortOperation ()
 Aborts the previously opened transaction. More...

Detailed Description

Interface for boolean operations (Cut, Fuse, Common)

Member Function Documentation

GEOM_Object MakeBoolean ( in GEOM_Object  theShape1,
in GEOM_Object  theShape2,
in long  theOperation,
in boolean  IsCheckSelfInte 

Perform one of boolean operations on two given shapes.

theShape1First argument for boolean operation.
theShape2Second argument for boolean operation.
theOperationIndicates the operation to be done: 1 - Common, 2 - Cut, 3 - Fuse, 4 - Section.
IsCheckSelfInteIf TRUE, perform check self intersection of arguments before an operation.
New GEOM_Object, containing the result shape.
GEOM_Object MakeFuse ( in GEOM_Object  theShape1,
in GEOM_Object  theShape2,
in boolean  IsCheckSelfInte,
in boolean  IsRmExtraEdges 

Perform fusion boolean operation on two given shapes.

theShape1First argument for fuse operation.
theShape2Second argument for fuse operation.
IsCheckSelfInteIf TRUE, perform check self intersection of arguments before an operation.
IsRmExtraEdgesIf TRUE, perform removal of extra edges during an operation.
New GEOM_Object, containing the result shape.
GEOM_Object MakeFuseList ( in ListOfGO  theShapes,
in boolean  IsCheckSelfInte,
in boolean  IsRmExtraEdges 

Perform fusion boolean operation on list of objects.

theShapesShapes to be fused.
IsCheckSelfInteIf TRUE, perform check self intersection of arguments before an operation.
IsRmExtraEdgesIf TRUE, perform removal of extra edges during an operation.
New GEOM_Object, containing the result shape.
GEOM_Object MakeCommonList ( in ListOfGO  theShapes,
in boolean  IsCheckSelfInte 

Perform common boolean operation on list of objects.

theShapesShapes for common operation.
IsCheckSelfInteIf TRUE, perform check self intersection of arguments before an operation.
New GEOM_Object, containing the result shape.
GEOM_Object MakeCutList ( in GEOM_Object  theMainShape,
in ListOfGO  theShapes,
in boolean  IsCheckSelfInte 

Perform cutting of list of objects from theMainShape.

theMainShapethe object for cut operation.
theShapesShapes to be cut from theMainShape (tools).
IsCheckSelfInteIf TRUE, perform check self intersection of arguments before an operation.
New GEOM_Object, containing the result shape.
GEOM_Object MakePartition ( in ListOfGO  theShapes,
in ListOfGO  theTools,
in ListOfGO  theKeepInside,
in ListOfGO  theRemoveInside,
in short  theLimit,
in boolean  theRemoveWebs,
in ListOfLong  theMaterials,
in short  theKeepNonlimitShapes 

Perform partition operation.

theShapesShapes to be intersected.
theToolsShapes to intersect theShapes.
Each compound from ListShapes and ListTools will be exploded in order to avoid possible intersection between shapes from this compound.
theLimitType of resulting shapes (corresponding to TopAbs_ShapeEnum).
theKeepNonlimitShapes,:if this parameter == 0, then only shapes of target type (equal to Limit) are kept in the result, else standalone shapes of lower dimension are kept also (if they exist).

After implementation new version of PartitionAlgo (October 2006) other parameters are ignored by current functionality. They are kept in this function only for supporting old versions. Ignored parameters:

theKeepInsideShapes, outside which the results will be deleted. Each shape from theKeepInside must belong to theShapes also.
theRemoveInsideShapes, inside which the results will be deleted. Each shape from theRemoveInside must belong to theShapes also.
theRemoveWebsIf TRUE, perform Glue 3D algorithm.
theMaterialsMaterial indices for each shape. Make sence, only if theRemoveWebs is TRUE.
New GEOM_Object, containing the result shapes.
GEOM_Object MakePartitionNonSelfIntersectedShape ( in ListOfGO  theShapes,
in ListOfGO  theTools,
in ListOfGO  theKeepInside,
in ListOfGO  theRemoveInside,
in short  theLimit,
in boolean  theRemoveWebs,
in ListOfLong  theMaterials,
in short  theKeepNonlimitShapes,
in boolean  IsCheckSelfInte 

Perform partition operation.

This method may be usefull if it is needed to make a partition for a compound containing nonintersected shapes. Performance will be better since intersection between shapes from compound is not performed.

Description of all parameters as in previous method MakePartition(). One additional parameter is provided:

IsCheckSelfInteIf TRUE, perform check self intersection of arguments before an operation.
Passed compounds (via ListShapes or via ListTools) have to consist of nonintersecting shapes.
New GEOM_Object, containing the result shapes.
GEOM_Object MakeHalfPartition ( in GEOM_Object  theShape,
in GEOM_Object  thePlane 

Perform partition of the Shape with the Plane.

theShapeShape to be intersected.
thePlaneTool shape, to intersect theShape.
New GEOM_Object, containing the result shape.
This operation is a shortcut to the more general MakePartition operation, where theShape specifies single "object" (shape being partitioned) and thePlane specifies single "tool" (intersector shape). Other parameters of MakePartition operation have default values:
  • theLimit: GEOM::SHAPE (shape limit corresponds to the type of theShape)
  • theKeepNonlimitShapes: 0
  • theKeepInside, theRemoveInside, theRemoveWebs, theMaterials (obsolete parameters): empty
See Also
MakePartition, MakePartitionNonSelfIntersectedShape
boolean IsDone ( )

To know, if the operation was successfully performed.

void SetErrorCode ( in string  theErrorID)

Set the operation error code.

theErrorIDis a string describing the error occured
This method is supposed to be used only by interfaces inheriting from IOperations.
string GetErrorCode ( )

Get the operation error code.

long GetStudyID ( )

Get ID of study, where the operation is defined.

void StartOperation ( )

Opens a new transaction.

void FinishOperation ( )

Closes the previously opened trasaction.

void AbortOperation ( )

Aborts the previously opened transaction.