Appendix: naming rule to find elements in an hexahedron

Definition of an hexahedron


Naming rule for the faces of an hexahedron

A: plane Z = 0
B: plane Z = 1
C: plane Y = 0
D: plane Y = 1
E: plane X = 0
F: plane X = 1

Quadrangles in an hexahedron

Naming rule for the 6 quadrangles in an hexahedron

Q_A or 0: plane Z=0
Q_B or 1: plane Z=1
Q_C or 2: plane Y=0
Q_D or 3: plane Y=1
Q_E or 4: plane X=0
Q_F or 5: plane X=1

Edges in an hexahedron

Naming rule for the 12 edges in an hexahedron

E_AC or 0: planes Z=0 and Y=0
E_AD or 1: planes Z=0 and Y=1
E_BC or 2: planes Z=1 and Y=0
E_BD or 3: planes Z=1 and Y=1
E_AE or 4: planes Z=0 and X=0
E_AF or 5: planes Z=0 and X=1
E_BE or 6: planes Z=1 and X=0
E_BF or 7: planes Z=1 and X=1
E_CE or 8: planes Y=0 and X=0
E_CF or 9: planes Y=0 and X=1
E_DE or 10: planes Y=1 and X=0
E_DF or 11: planes Y=1 and X=1

Vertices in an hexahedron

Naming rule for the 8 vertices in an hexahedron

V_ACE or 0: planes Z=0 and Y=0 and X=0
V_ACF or 1: planes Z=0 and Y=0 and X=1
V_ADE or 2: planes Z=0 and Y=1 and X=0
V_ADF or 3: planes Z=0 and Y=1 and X=1
V_BCE or 4: planes Z=1 and Y=0 and X=0
V_BCF or 5: planes Z=1 and Y=0 and X=1
V_BDE or 6: planes Z=1 and Y=1 and X=0
V_BDF or 7: planes Z=1 and Y=1 and X=1