Example: Python script for a connecting rod


Connecting rod

Model creation

import math

import geompy
import hexablock

doc = hexablock.addDocument("bielle")

# ------------------------------------- Build 2 cylindrical grids

centre_pb = doc.addVertex(0, 0, 0)
centre_gb = doc.addVertex(7, 0, 0)

angle_px   = math.pi / 3
vecteur_px = doc.addVector(math.cos(angle_px), math.sin(angle_px), 0)
vecteur_gx = doc.addVector(1, 0, 0)

vecteur_z = doc.addVector(0, 0, 1)

grille_p = doc.makeCylindrical(centre_pb, vecteur_px, vecteur_z,  1, 360, 1,  1, 3, 1,  False)
grille_g = doc.makeCylindrical(centre_gb, vecteur_gx, vecteur_z,  1, 360, 1,  1, 3, 1,  False)

# ------------------------------------- Join the grids

quad_p = grille_p.getQuadJK(1, 2, 0)
quad_g = grille_g.getQuadJK(1, 1, 0)

point_p1 = grille_p.getVertexIJK(1, 0, 0)
point_p2 = grille_p.getVertexIJK(1, 2, 0)

point_g1 = grille_g.getVertexIJK(1, 1, 0)
point_g2 = grille_g.getVertexIJK(1, 2, 0)

prisme = doc.joinQuad(quad_p, quad_g,  point_p1, point_g1,
                                  point_p2, point_g2,  3)

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Recovering edges and faces from geometry before the association

bielle = geompy.ImportSTEP("bielle.stp")

sommets = geompy.SubShapeAllSortedCentres(bielle, geompy.ShapeType["VERTEX"])

sommets_petit = [  6,  8,  7,  9 ]
sommets_grand = [ 10, 12, 11, 13 ]

aretes = geompy.SubShapeAllSortedCentres(bielle, geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"])

aretes_petit = [  7,  9,  8, 10 ]
aretes_grand = [ 19, 21, 20, 22 ]

ga_pbcd = aretes[ 0]
ga_pbe  = aretes[ 2]

ga_phcd = aretes[ 1]
ga_phe  = aretes[ 3]

ga_gbcd = aretes[27]
ga_gbe  = aretes[25]

ga_ghcd = aretes[28]
ga_ghe  = aretes[26]

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Association of the model to the geometry


# ---------------------------- Clean implicit associations of the model


# -------------------------- Procedure who associates external circles
def cercle(grille, k, ge, p):
    ms  = grille.getVertexIJK(0, 0, k)

    ma1 = grille.getEdgeJ(0, 2, k)
    ma2 = grille.getEdgeJ(0, 1, k)
    ma3 = grille.getEdgeJ(0, 0, k)

    doc.associateClosedLine(ms, ma1, [ ma2, ma3 ], ge, p, False, [])

cercle(grille_p, 0, ga_pbe, 5.0/6)
cercle(grille_p, 1, ga_phe, 5.0/6)

cercle(grille_g, 0, ga_gbe, 0)
cercle(grille_g, 1, ga_ghe, 0)

# ------------------- Procedure who associates external decentered lines
def arc(grille, i1, i2, k, ge):
    ma1 = grille.getEdgeJ(1, i1, k)
    ma2 = grille.getEdgeJ(1, i2, k)

    doc.associateOpenedLine(ma1, [ ma2 ], ge, 0, [], 1)

arc(grille_p, 1, 0, 0, ga_pbcd)
arc(grille_p, 1, 0, 1, ga_phcd)

arc(grille_g, 0, 2, 0, ga_gbcd)
arc(grille_g, 0, 2, 1, ga_ghcd)

# ---------------------- Associate archs vertices with connection circles

hm = prisme.getHexa(1)
for i in xrange(0, 4):
  vm = hm.getVertex(i)
  ga = sommets[ sommets_petit[i] ]

hm = prisme.getHexa(2)
for i in xrange(0, 4):
  vm = hm.getVertex(i)
  ga = sommets[ sommets_grand[i] ]

# ---------------------- Associate connection circles

hm = prisme.getHexa(0)
for i in xrange(0, 4):
  em = hm.getEdge(i+8)
  ga = aretes[ aretes_petit[i] ]
  em.addAssociation(ga, 0, 1)

hm = prisme.getHexa(2)
for i in xrange(0, 4):
  em = hm.getEdge(i+8)
  ga = aretes[ aretes_grand[i] ]
  em.addAssociation(ga, 0, 1)

# --------------------- Round implicit cylindrical associations

for h, i, ech in [ [0, 0, 0.95], [0, 1, 0.95],  [2, 2, 0.85], [2, 3, 0.85] ]:
  hm = prisme.getHexa(h)
  em = hm.getEdge(i)
  va = em.getVertex(0).getAssociation()
  vb = em.getVertex(1).getAssociation()
  vax, vay, vaz = geompy.PointCoordinates(va)
  vbx, vby, vbz = geompy.PointCoordinates(vb)
  vmx = ( vax + vbx ) / 2.0 * ech
  vmy = ( vay + vby ) / 2.0
  vmz = ( vaz + vbz ) / 2.0
  vm = geompy.MakeVertex(vmx, vmy, vmz)
  eg = geompy.MakeArc(va, vm, vb)
  em.addAssociation(eg, 0, 1)

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Definition of elements groups for the mesh

# -------------------------- # Define 5 faces groups

groupe_petit   = doc.addQuadGroup("Petit")
groupe_grand   = doc.addQuadGroup("Grand")
groupe_bas     = doc.addQuadGroup("Bas")
groupe_haut    = doc.addQuadGroup("Haut")
groupe_contour = doc.addQuadGroup("Contour")

# -------------------------- Define little and big cylinder groups

for i in xrange(3):
  groupe_petit.addElement( grille_p.getQuadJK(0, i, 0) )
  groupe_grand.addElement( grille_g.getQuadJK(0, i, 0) )

# -------------------------- Define bottum and up groups

for i in xrange(3):
  groupe_bas.addElement(  grille_p.getQuadIJ(0, i, 0) )
  groupe_bas.addElement(  grille_g.getQuadIJ(0, i, 0) )

  groupe_haut.addElement( grille_p.getQuadIJ(0, i, 1) )
  groupe_haut.addElement( grille_g.getQuadIJ(0, i, 1) )

for i in xrange(3):
  h = prisme.getHexa(i)

  groupe_bas.addElement(  h.getQuad(2) )
  groupe_haut.addElement( h.getQuad(3) )

# -------------------------- Define border group

for i in xrange(2):
  groupe_contour.addElement( grille_p.getQuadJK(1, i, 0) )

for i in [0, 2]:
  groupe_contour.addElement( grille_g.getQuadJK(1, i, 0) )

for i in xrange(3):
  h = prisme.getHexa(i)

  groupe_contour.addElement( h.getQuad(4) )
  groupe_contour.addElement( h.getQuad(5) )

# -------------------------- Define 3 groups of volumes

groupe_petit  = doc.addHexaGroup("Petit")
groupe_grand  = doc.addHexaGroup("Grand")
groupe_prisme = doc.addHexaGroup("Prisme")

for i in xrange(3):
  groupe_petit.addElement( grille_p.getHexa(i) )
  groupe_grand.addElement( grille_g.getHexa(i) )

for i in xrange(3):
  groupe_prisme.addElement( prisme.getHexa(i) )

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Definition of a law discretization laws :

hexablock.addLaws(doc, 0.003, True)

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Mesh generation

blocs = hexablock.mesh(doc)
                                   ##  .. and show statistics
muv, mue, muq, muh = hexablock.dump(doc, blocs)