In a SALOME application, distributed components, servers and clients use the CORBA middleware for comunication. CORBA interfaces are defined via idl files. All the different CORBA interfaces are available for users in Python, see CORBA interfaces below.
For some general purpose services, CORBA interfaces have been encapsulated in order to provide a simple interface (encapsulation is generally done in C++ classes, and a Python SWIG interface is also generated from C++, to ensure a consistent behavior between C++ modules and Python modules or user script).
See Salome Application Concept for detailed instructions on how to launch a Python interpreter with full access to the SALOME environment and services.
You can use the embedded Python interpreter in Graphical User Interface, or an external interpreter, with:
In either cases, SALOME services access is done with:
In the embedded interpreter, it is already done, but there is no problem to do it several times, so it is preferable to add these instructions systematically in your scripts, to allow them to work in all configurations. See Using module for a short description of most useful variables and functions.
See SALOME_LifeCycleCORBA for the C++ interface (Python interface obtained with SWIG is very similar).
In the following example, a test component provided in KERNEL is launched in the local container, "FactoryServer", created when SALOME starts:
The answer is something like:
The _narrow() instruction is not always mandatory in Python, but sometimes useful to be sure you have got the right type of object. Here, Testcomponent interface is defined in CORBA module Engines. With this example, it works also without the _narrow() instruction:
In the next example, a component instance is created in a specific Container defined by it's computer hostname and it's name. Here we use the local computer. Note that in Utils_Identity, Utils_Identity::getShortHostName() gives the short hostname of the computer, without domain suffixes, which is used in SALOME. The container process is created here if it does not exists, and a new component instance is created:
If you want to get a list of containers and component instances, client object from orbmodule provides a list:
The list looks like:
See SALOME_FileTransferCORBA for the C++ interface (Python interface obtained with SWIG is very similar).
The following example shows how to tranfer a file from a remote host to the client computer. Remote hostname is 'cli76cc', we would like to copy 'tkcvs_8_0_3.tar.gz' from remote to local computer. A full pathname is required. A container is created on remote computer if it does not exist, to handle the file transfer:
See SALOME_NamingService for the C++ interface. The Python interface SALOME_NamingServicePy::SALOME_NamingServicePy_i is not yet derived from the C++ interface and offers only the most useful functions.
This file contains a set of interfaces used for creation, management and modification of the Study.