bin | |
  appli_gen.py | Create a SALOME application (virtual Salome installation) |
  killSalome.py | Stop all SALOME servers from all sessions by killing them |
  killSalomeWithPort.py | Stop all SALOME servers from given sessions by killing them |
  showNS.py | Display the contents of SALOME naming service |
  waitContainers.py | Command to wait until containers are launched |
  waitNS.py | Command to wait until module catalog server is launched |
 idl | |
  DSC_Engines.idl | Interfaces that permits to add a dynamic port model to the SALOME object model |
  Logger.idl | Interfaces for SALOME logger |
  nstest.idl | Interfaces for naming service test |
  Palm_Ports.idl | This file contains IDL palm ports declarations |
  SALOME_Comm.idl | This file contains a set of interfaces used for communication between components |
  SALOME_Component.idl | Interfaces for EngineComponent and Container |
  SALOME_ContainerManager.idl | Interfaces for SALOME Container Manager service |
  SALOME_Exception.idl | This file contains the objects defining the main exception used in SALOME application |
  SALOME_GenericObj.idl | Interface for common behavior of SALOME transient CORBA objects |
  SALOME_Launcher.idl | Interfaces for SALOME Launcher service |
  SALOME_ModuleCatalog.idl | Interfaces used for getting information from module catalog in SALOME application |
  SALOME_MPIContainer.idl | Interfaces for parallel container |
  SALOME_MPIObject.idl | Interfaces for parallel (MPI) objects |
  SALOME_PACOExtension.idl | Interfaces for Parallel Component and Container using PaCO++ |
  SALOME_Parametric.idl | |
  SALOME_ParamPorts.idl | |
  SALOME_Ports.idl | This file contains the IDL base interfaces for ports in the SALOME component model |
  SALOME_PyNode.idl | Interface for remote python execution |
  SALOME_Registry.idl | Interfaces for SALOME registry |
  SALOME_ResourcesManager.idl | Interfaces for SALOME Resources Manager service |
  SALOME_SDS.idl | |
  SALOME_Session.idl | File that contains interface of the session |
  SALOME_TestComponent.idl | Interface for testing EngineComponent and Container |
  SALOME_TestModuleCatalog.idl | Interfaces for SALOME module catalog test |
  SALOME_TestMPIComponent.idl | Interface to test MPIObject and MPIContainer |
  SALOME_Types.idl | |
  SALOMEDS.idl | This file contains a set of interfaces used for creation, management and modification of the Study |
  SALOMEDS_Attributes.idl | This file contains a set of interfaces for the attributes which can be assigned to SObject |
  TestNotif.idl | For testing notification service |
  TypeData.idl | Data definition for tests |
 src | |
  Container | |
   Container_init_python.hxx | |
   SALOME_Component_i.hxx | |
   SALOME_Container.hxx | |
   SALOME_Container_i.hxx | |
   SALOME_ContainerManager.hxx | |
   Salome_file_i.hxx | |
   SALOME_FileRef_i.hxx | |
   SALOME_FileTransfer_i.hxx | |
  DSC | |
   DSC_Basic | |
    ConnectionManager_i.hxx | |
    DSC_Basic.hxx | |
    DSC_Callbacks.hxx | |
    DSC_i.hxx | |
    DSC_interface.hxx | |
    PortProperties_i.hxx | |
   DSC_User | |
    Basic | |
     basic_port_factory.hxx | |
     data_short_port_provides.hxx | |
     data_short_port_uses.hxx | |
    Datastream | |
     Calcium | |
      Calcium.hxx | |
      calcium_complex_port_uses.hxx | |
      calcium_double_port_uses.hxx | |
      calcium_intc_port_uses.hxx | |
      calcium_logical_port_uses.hxx | |
      calcium_long_port_uses.hxx | |
      calcium_port_factory.hxx | |
      calcium_provides_port.hxx | |
      calcium_real_port_uses.hxx | |
      calcium_string_port_uses.hxx | |
      calcium_uses_port.hxx | |
      CalciumCInterface.hxx | |
      CalciumCouplingPolicy.hxx | |
      CalciumCxxInterface.hxx | |
      CalciumException.hxx | |
      CalciumGenericProvidesPort.hxx | |
      CalciumGenericUsesPort.hxx | |
      CalciumInterface.hxx | |
      CalciumMacroCInterface.hxx | |
      CalciumPortTraits.hxx | |
      CalciumTypes.hxx | |
      CalciumTypes2CorbaTypes.hxx | |
      CalciumTypesManipulator.hxx | |
      Copy2CorbaSpace.hxx | |
      Copy2UserSpace.hxx | |
      CorbaTypes2CalciumTypes.hxx | |
     Palm | |
      palm_data_seq_short_port_provides.hxx | |
      palm_data_short_port_provides.hxx | |
      palm_port_factory.hxx | |
      PalmCouplingPolicy.hxx | |
     AdjacentFunctor.hxx | |
     AdjacentPredicate.hxx | |
     ConstTraits.hxx | |
     CorbaTypeManipulator.hxx | |
     CouplingPolicy.hxx | |
     DataIdFilter.hxx | |
     DisplayPair.hxx | |
     FindKeyPredicate.hxx | |
     GenericPort.hxx | |
     GenericProvidesPort.hxx | |
     GenericUsesPort.hxx | |
     IteratorTraits.hxx | |
     ProcessTimeIntervalTraits.hxx | |
    base_port.hxx | |
    DSC_Exception.hxx | |
    port_factory.hxx | |
    provides_port.hxx | |
    Superv_Component_i.hxx | |
    uses_port.hxx | |
   ParallelDSC | |
    ParallelDSC_i.hxx | |
    Param_Double_Port_provides_i.hxx | |
    Param_Double_Port_uses_i.hxx | |
  LifeCycleCORBA | |
   Test | |
    LifeCycleCORBATest.hxx | |
   SALOME_FileTransferCORBA.hxx | |
   SALOME_LifeCycleCORBA.hxx | |
  NamingService | |
   Test | |
    NamingServiceTest.hxx | |
   NamingService_WaitForServerReadiness.hxx | |
   SALOME_NamingService.hxx | |
   SALOME_NamingService_defs.hxx | |
   ServiceUnreachable.hxx | |
  Notification | |
   NOTIFICATION_Consumer.hxx | |
   NOTIFICATION_Supplier.hxx | |
  Utils | |
   Test | |
    UtilsTest.hxx | |
   OpUtil.hxx | |
   SALOME_Utils.hxx | |
   Utils_CommException.hxx | |
   Utils_CorbaException.hxx | |
   Utils_ExceptHandlers.hxx | |
   Utils_Identity.hxx | |
   Utils_Mutex.hxx | |
   Utils_ORB_INIT.hxx | |
   Utils_SALOME_Exception.hxx | |
   Utils_SINGLETON.hxx | |
   Utils_Timer.hxx | |