Standard_EXPORT | TrsfCurve2d (const Handle(Geom2d_Curve)&theCurve, const Trsf2d &theTrsf) |
| Constructor. More...
Standard_EXPORT | TrsfCurve2d (const Handle(Geom2d_Curve)&theCurve, const Standard_Real theUFirst, const Standard_Real theULast, const Trsf2d &theTrsf) |
| Constructor. More...
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Real | FirstParameter () const |
| Redefined method from the base class. More...
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Real | LastParameter () const |
| Redefined method from the base class. More...
Standard_EXPORT const | Handle (Geom2d_Curve)&Curve() const |
| Redefined method from the base class. More...
Standard_EXPORT GeomAbs_CurveType | GetType () const |
| Redefined method from the base class. More...
Standard_EXPORT void | Load (const Handle(Geom2d_Curve)&C) |
| Redefined method from the base class. More...
Standard_EXPORT void | Load (const Handle(Geom2d_Curve)&C, const Standard_Real UFirst, const Standard_Real ULast) |
| Redefined method from the base class. More...
Standard_EXPORT GeomAbs_Shape | Continuity () const |
| Redefined method from the base class. More...
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer | NbIntervals (const GeomAbs_Shape S) const |
| Redefined method from the base class. More...
Standard_EXPORT void | Intervals (TColStd_Array1OfReal &T, const GeomAbs_Shape S) const |
| Redefined method from the base class. More...
Standard_EXPORT | Handle (Adaptor2d_HCurve2d) Trim(const Standard_Real First |
| Redefined method from the base class. More...
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean | IsClosed () const |
| Redefined method from the base class. More...
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean | IsPeriodic () const |
| Redefined method from the base class. More...
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Real | Period () const |
| Redefined method from the base class. More...
Standard_EXPORT gp_Pnt2d | Value (const Standard_Real U) const |
| Redefined method from the base class. More...
Standard_EXPORT void | D0 (const Standard_Real U, gp_Pnt2d &P) const |
| Redefined method from the base class. More...
Standard_EXPORT void | D1 (const Standard_Real U, gp_Pnt2d &P, gp_Vec2d &V) const |
| Redefined method from the base class. More...
Standard_EXPORT void | D2 (const Standard_Real U, gp_Pnt2d &P, gp_Vec2d &V1, gp_Vec2d &V2) const |
| Redefined method from the base class. More...
Standard_EXPORT void | D3 (const Standard_Real U, gp_Pnt2d &P, gp_Vec2d &V1, gp_Vec2d &V2, gp_Vec2d &V3) const |
| Redefined method from the base class. More...
Standard_EXPORT gp_Vec2d | DN (const Standard_Real U, const Standard_Integer N) const |
| Redefined method from the base class. More...
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Real | Resolution (const Standard_Real Ruv) const |
| Redefined method from the base class. More...
Standard_EXPORT gp_Lin2d | Line () const |
| Redefined method from the base class. More...
Standard_EXPORT gp_Circ2d | Circle () const |
| Redefined method from the base class. More...
Standard_EXPORT gp_Elips2d | Ellipse () const |
| Redefined method from the base class. More...
Standard_EXPORT gp_Hypr2d | Hyperbola () const |
| Redefined method from the base class. More...
Standard_EXPORT gp_Parab2d | Parabola () const |
| Redefined method from the base class. More...
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer | Degree () const |
| Redefined method from the base class. More...
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean | IsRational () const |
| Redefined method from the base class. More...
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer | NbPoles () const |
| Redefined method from the base class. More...
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer | NbKnots () const |
| Redefined method from the base class. More...
Standard_EXPORT | Handle (Geom2d_BezierCurve) Bezier() const |
| Redefined method from the base class. More...
Standard_EXPORT | Handle (Geom2d_BSplineCurve) BSpline() const |
| Redefined method from the base class. More...
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer | NbSamples () const |
| Redefined method from the base class. More...