Version: 8.3.0
CalciumPortTraits.hxx File Reference
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Data Structures

struct  UnknownProvidesPortType< T >
struct  ProvidesPortTraits< T >
struct  integer
struct  ProvidesPortTraits< integer >
struct  ProvidesPortTraits< int >
struct  ProvidesPortTraits< long >
struct  ProvidesPortTraits< float >
struct  ProvidesPortTraits< double >
struct  ProvidesPortTraits< bool >
struct  cplx
struct  ProvidesPortTraits< cplx >
struct  str
struct  ProvidesPortTraits< str >
struct  intc
struct  ProvidesPortTraits< intc >
struct  StarTrait< T >
struct  StarTrait< T * >
struct  UnknownUsesPortType< T >
struct  UsesPortTraits< T >
struct  UsesPortTraits< integer >
struct  UsesPortTraits< int >
struct  UsesPortTraits< long >
struct  UsesPortTraits< float >
struct  UsesPortTraits< double >
struct  UsesPortTraits< str >
struct  UsesPortTraits< bool >
struct  UsesPortTraits< cplx >
struct  UsesPortTraits< intc >