Typedefs | |
typedef int | InfoType |
Enumerations | |
enum | DateCalSchem { TI_SCHEM =TI, TF_SCHEM =TF, ALPHA_SCHEM } |
enum | InterpolationSchem { L0_SCHEM =CP_ESCALIER, L1_SCHEM =CP_LINEAIRE } |
enum | ExtrapolationSchem { UNDEFINED_EXTRA_SCHEM, E0_SCHEM, E1_SCHEM } |
enum | DisconnectDirective { UNDEFINED_DIRECTIVE =0, CONTINUE =CP_CONT, STOP =CP_ARRET } |
Variables | |
const float | EPSILON = 1.e-6 |
const int | CP_TEMPS = 40 |
const int | CP_ITERATION = 41 |
const int | CP_SEQUENTIEL = 42 |
const int | CPIT = 6 |
const int | CP_CONT = 20 |
const int | CP_ARRET = 21 |
const int | CP_LINEAIRE = 100 |
const int | CP_ESCALIER = 101 |
const int | TI = 110 |
const int | TF = 111 |
const int | CP_ILLIMITE = -70 |
const int | CP_AUTESP = -71 |
const int | CPOK = 0 |
const int | CPERIU = 1 |
const int | CPNMVR = 2 |
const int | CPIOVR = 3 |
const int | CPTP = 4 |
const int | CPTPVR = 5 |
const int | CPITVR = 7 |
const int | CPRENA = 8 |
const int | CPDNTP = 9 |
const int | CPDNDI = 10 |
const int | CPNMCD = 11 |
const int | CPNMIN = 12 |
const int | CPATTENTE = 13 |
const int | CPBLOC = 14 |
const int | CPNTNULL = 15 |
const int | CPLGVR = 16 |
const int | CPSTOP = 17 |
const int | CPATAL = 18 |
const int | CPNOCP = 19 |
const int | CPCTVR = 20 |
const int | CPPASNULL = 21 |
const int | CPMACHINE = 22 |
const int | CPGRNU = 23 |
const int | CPGRIN = 24 |
const int | CPFINFICH = 25 |
const int | CPERRFICH = 26 |
const int | CPNORERR = 27 |
const int | CPRUNERR = 28 |
const int | CPOPT = 29 |
const int | CPVALOPT = 30 |
const int | CPECREFF = 31 |
const int | CPLIEN = 32 |
const int | CPINARRET = 33 |
const int | CPSTOPSEQ = 34 |
const int | CPDECL = 35 |
const int | CPINEXEC = 36 |
const int | CPINSTDEC = 40 |
typedef int CalciumTypes::InfoType |
const int CalciumTypes::CP_ARRET = 21 |
const int CalciumTypes::CP_AUTESP = -71 |
const int CalciumTypes::CP_CONT = 20 |
Referenced by ecp_fin_().
const int CalciumTypes::CP_ESCALIER = 101 |
const int CalciumTypes::CP_ILLIMITE = -70 |
const int CalciumTypes::CP_ITERATION = 41 |
const int CalciumTypes::CP_LINEAIRE = 100 |
const int CalciumTypes::CP_SEQUENTIEL = 42 |
const int CalciumTypes::CP_TEMPS = 40 |
const int CalciumTypes::CPATAL = 18 |
Referenced by CalciumInterface::ecp_ecriture(), and CalciumInterface::ecp_fin().
const int CalciumTypes::CPATTENTE = 13 |
const int CalciumTypes::CPBLOC = 14 |
const int CalciumTypes::CPCTVR = 20 |
const int CalciumTypes::CPDECL = 35 |
const int CalciumTypes::CPDNDI = 10 |
const int CalciumTypes::CPDNTP = 9 |
const int CalciumTypes::CPECREFF = 31 |
const int CalciumTypes::CPERIU = 1 |
const int CalciumTypes::CPERRFICH = 26 |
const int CalciumTypes::CPFINFICH = 25 |
const int CalciumTypes::CPGRIN = 24 |
const int CalciumTypes::CPGRNU = 23 |
const int CalciumTypes::CPINARRET = 33 |
const int CalciumTypes::CPINEXEC = 36 |
const int CalciumTypes::CPINSTDEC = 40 |
const int CalciumTypes::CPIOVR = 3 |
const int CalciumTypes::CPIT = 6 |
const int CalciumTypes::CPITVR = 7 |
Referenced by CalciumInterface::ecp_effi(), CalciumInterface::ecp_efft(), CalciumInterface::ecp_fini(), CalciumInterface::ecp_fint(), CalciumInterface::ecp_lecture(), CalciumCouplingPolicy::setAlpha(), CalciumCouplingPolicy::setDateCalSchem(), CalciumCouplingPolicy::setDeltaT(), CalciumCouplingPolicy::setExtrapolationSchem(), and CalciumCouplingPolicy::setInterpolationSchem().
const int CalciumTypes::CPLGVR = 16 |
const int CalciumTypes::CPLIEN = 32 |
const int CalciumTypes::CPMACHINE = 22 |
const int CalciumTypes::CPNMCD = 11 |
const int CalciumTypes::CPNMIN = 12 |
const int CalciumTypes::CPNMVR = 2 |
const int CalciumTypes::CPNOCP = 19 |
const int CalciumTypes::CPNORERR = 27 |
const int CalciumTypes::CPNTNULL = 15 |
const int CalciumTypes::CPOK = 0 |
const int CalciumTypes::CPOPT = 29 |
const int CalciumTypes::CPPASNULL = 21 |
const int CalciumTypes::CPRENA = 8 |
const int CalciumTypes::CPRUNERR = 28 |
const int CalciumTypes::CPSTOP = 17 |
const int CalciumTypes::CPSTOPSEQ = 34 |
const int CalciumTypes::CPTP = 4 |
const int CalciumTypes::CPTPVR = 5 |
const int CalciumTypes::CPVALOPT = 30 |
const float CalciumTypes::EPSILON = 1.e-6 |
const int CalciumTypes::TF = 111 |
const int CalciumTypes::TI = 110 |