Version: 8.3.0
Engines::ResourceParameters Struct Reference

Type to describe required properties of a resource. More...

import "SALOME_ResourcesManager.idl";

Data Fields

string name
 resource name - manual selection More...
string hostname
 host name More...
boolean can_launch_batch_jobs
 if true select only resources that can launch batch jobs More...
boolean can_run_containers
 if true select only resources that can run containers More...
string OS
 if given required operating system More...
CompoList componentList
 if given, list of components that could be loaded on a container. More...
long nb_proc
 required number of processors More...
long mem_mb
 required memory size More...
long cpu_clock
 required frequency More...
long nb_node
 required number of nodes More...
long nb_proc_per_node
 required number of proc per node More...
string policy
 resource management policy : first, cycl, altcycl or best (can be extended) More...
ResourceList resList
 restricted list of resources to search in More...

Detailed Description

Type to describe required properties of a resource.

Field Documentation

boolean Engines::ResourceParameters::can_launch_batch_jobs

if true select only resources that can launch batch jobs

Referenced by SALOME_LifeCycleCORBA::preSet(), resourceParameters_CORBAtoCPP(), and SALOME_Launcher::testBatch().

CompoList Engines::ResourceParameters::componentList
long Engines::ResourceParameters::cpu_clock
long Engines::ResourceParameters::mem_mb

required memory size

This parameter must be specified explicitly, because it is not provided by the resource definition.

The parameter specifies the maximum memory value that could be allocated for executing the job. This takes into account not only the data that could be loaded by the batch process but also the linked dynamic library. A possible problem, for exemple in the case where you use the ssh emulation of a batch system, is to get an error message as below when libBatch tries to run the ssh command:

/usr/bin/ssh: error while loading shared libraries: failed
to map segment from shared object: Cannot allocate memory

In this exemple, the mem_mb was set to 1MB, value that is not sufficient to load the dynamic libraries linked to the ssh executable ( in the error message). So, even in the case of a simple test shell script, you should set this value at least to a standard threshold as 500MB.

Referenced by SALOME_Launcher::createJob(), main(), SALOME_LifeCycleCORBA::preSet(), and resourceParameters_CORBAtoCPP().

string Engines::ResourceParameters::name

resource name - manual selection

If a name is provided, the ressource will be imposed. If the name is an empty string, the ressource will be chosen to match the other parameters.

Referenced by SALOME_Launcher::createJob(), SALOME_LifeCycleCORBA::preSet(), resourceParameters_CORBAtoCPP(), and resourceParameters_CPPtoCORBA().

long Engines::ResourceParameters::nb_node
long Engines::ResourceParameters::nb_proc

required number of processors

This parameter must be specified explicitly, because it is not provided by the resource definition.

Referenced by SALOME_Launcher::createJob(), SALOME_LifeCycleCORBA::preSet(), and resourceParameters_CORBAtoCPP().

long Engines::ResourceParameters::nb_proc_per_node
string Engines::ResourceParameters::OS
string Engines::ResourceParameters::policy

resource management policy : first, cycl, altcycl or best (can be extended)

Referenced by SALOME_ContainerManager::GiveContainer(), main(), and SALOME_LifeCycleCORBA::preSet().