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MEDCoupling::MEDCoupling1GTUMesh Class Referenceabstract
Inheritance diagram for MEDCoupling::MEDCoupling1GTUMesh:
Collaboration diagram for MEDCoupling::MEDCoupling1GTUMesh:

Public Member Functions

virtual void allocateCells (int nbOfCells=0)=0
MEDCouplingPointSetbuildBoundaryMesh (bool keepCoords) const
MEDCouplingPointSetbuildFacePartOfMySelfNode (const int *start, const int *end, bool fullyIn) const
MEDCouplingFieldDoublebuildOrthogonalField () const
void checkConsistencyLight () const
virtual void checkConsistencyOfConnectivity () const =0
DataArrayIntcheckTypeConsistencyAndContig (const std::vector< int > &code, const std::vector< const DataArrayInt * > &idsPerType) const
DataArrayDoublecomputeCellCenterOfMass () const
DataArrayIntfindBoundaryNodes () const
void findCommonCells (int compType, int startCellId, DataArrayInt *&commonCellsArr, DataArrayInt *&commonCellsIArr) const
< INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType
getAllGeoTypes () const
int getCellContainingPoint (const double *pos, double eps) const
const INTERP_KERNEL::CellModel & getCellModel () const
INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType getCellModelEnum () const
void getCellsContainingPoint (const double *pos, double eps, std::vector< int > &elts) const
DataArrayIntgetCellsInBoundingBox (const double *bbox, double eps) const
DataArrayIntgetCellsInBoundingBox (const INTERP_KERNEL::DirectedBoundingBox &bbox, double eps)
std::vector< int > getDistributionOfTypes () const
std::size_t getHeapMemorySizeWithoutChildren () const
MEDCouplingFieldDoublegetMeasureField (bool isAbs) const
MEDCouplingFieldDoublegetMeasureFieldOnNode (bool isAbs) const
int getMeshDimension () const
virtual DataArrayIntgetNodalConnectivity () const =0
int getNodalConnectivityLength () const
int getNumberOfCellsWithType (INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType type) const
INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType getTypeOfCell (int cellId) const
std::string getVTKDataSetType () const
std::string getVTKFileExtension () const
DataArrayIntgiveCellsWithType (INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType type) const
virtual void insertNextCell (const int *nodalConnOfCellBg, const int *nodalConnOfCellEnd)=0
bool isEqualIfNotWhy (const MEDCouplingMesh *other, double prec, std::string &reason) const
bool isEqualWithoutConsideringStr (const MEDCouplingMesh *other, double prec) const
void splitProfilePerType (const DataArrayInt *profile, std::vector< int > &code, std::vector< DataArrayInt * > &idsInPflPerType, std::vector< DataArrayInt * > &idsPerType) const
void writeVTKLL (std::ostream &ofs, const std::string &cellData, const std::string &pointData, DataArrayByte *byteData) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingPointSet
virtual bool areAllNodesFetched () const
bool areCellsFrom2MeshEqual (const MEDCouplingPointSet *other, int cellId, double prec) const
bool areCoordsEqual (const MEDCouplingPointSet &other, double prec) const
bool areCoordsEqualIfNotWhy (const MEDCouplingPointSet &other, double prec, std::string &reason) const
bool areCoordsEqualWithoutConsideringStr (const MEDCouplingPointSet &other, double prec) const
DataArrayIntbuildNewNumberingFromCommonNodesFormat (const DataArrayInt *comm, const DataArrayInt *commIndex, int &newNbOfNodes) const
MEDCouplingMeshbuildPart (const int *start, const int *end) const
MEDCouplingMeshbuildPartAndReduceNodes (const int *start, const int *end, DataArrayInt *&arr) const
virtual MEDCouplingPointSetbuildPartOfMySelf (const int *start, const int *end, bool keepCoords=true) const
virtual MEDCouplingPointSetbuildPartOfMySelfKeepCoords (const int *begin, const int *end) const =0
virtual MEDCouplingPointSetbuildPartOfMySelfKeepCoordsSlice (int start, int end, int step) const =0
virtual MEDCouplingPointSetbuildPartOfMySelfNode (const int *start, const int *end, bool fullyIn) const
virtual MEDCouplingPointSetbuildPartOfMySelfSlice (int start, int end, int step, bool keepCoords=true) const
MEDCouplingMeshbuildPartRange (int beginCellIds, int endCellIds, int stepCellIds) const
MEDCouplingMeshbuildPartRangeAndReduceNodes (int beginCellIds, int endCellIds, int stepCellIds, int &beginOut, int &endOut, int &stepOut, DataArrayInt *&arr) const
DataArrayIntbuildPermArrayForMergeNode (double precision, int limitNodeId, bool &areNodesMerged, int &newNbOfNodes) const
void changeSpaceDimension (int newSpaceDim, double dftVal=0.)
void checkDeepEquivalOnSameNodesWith (const MEDCouplingMesh *other, int cellCompPol, double prec, DataArrayInt *&cellCor) const
void checkDeepEquivalWith (const MEDCouplingMesh *other, int cellCompPol, double prec, DataArrayInt *&cellCor, DataArrayInt *&nodeCor) const
void checkFastEquivalWith (const MEDCouplingMesh *other, double prec) const
virtual void checkFullyDefined () const =0
virtual MEDCouplingFieldDoublecomputeDiameterField () const =0
virtual DataArrayIntcomputeFetchedNodeIds () const =0
virtual void computeNodeIdsAlg (std::vector< bool > &nodeIdsInUse) const =0
void copyTinyStringsFrom (const MEDCouplingMesh *other)
virtual MEDCouplingPointSetdeepCopyConnectivityOnly () const =0
void duplicateNodesInCoords (const int *nodeIdsToDuplicateBg, const int *nodeIdsToDuplicateEnd)
virtual void fillCellIdsToKeepFromNodeIds (const int *begin, const int *end, bool fullyIn, DataArrayInt *&cellIdsKeptArr) const =0
void findCommonNodes (double prec, int limitNodeId, DataArrayInt *&comm, DataArrayInt *&commIndex) const
void findNodesOnLine (const double *pt, const double *vec, double eps, std::vector< int > &nodes) const
void findNodesOnPlane (const double *pt, const double *vec, double eps, std::vector< int > &nodes) const
void getBoundingBox (double *bbox) const
virtual DataArrayDoublegetBoundingBoxForBBTree (double arcDetEps=1e-12) const =0
double getCaracteristicDimension () const
DataArrayIntgetCellIdsFullyIncludedInNodeIds (const int *partBg, const int *partEnd) const
DataArrayIntgetCellIdsLyingOnNodes (const int *begin, const int *end, bool fullyIn) const
DataArrayDoublegetCoordinatesAndOwner () const
void getCoordinatesOfNode (int nodeId, std::vector< double > &coo) const
const DataArrayDoublegetCoords () const
DataArrayDoublegetCoords ()
const DataArrayDoublegetDirectAccessOfCoordsArrIfInStructure () const
std::vector< const
BigMemoryObject * > 
getDirectChildrenWithNull () const
std::size_t getHeapMemorySizeWithoutChildren () const
virtual DataArrayIntgetNodeIdsInUse (int &nbrOfNodesInUse) const =0
DataArrayIntgetNodeIdsNearPoint (const double *pos, double eps) const
void getNodeIdsNearPoints (const double *pos, int nbOfPoints, double eps, DataArrayInt *&c, DataArrayInt *&cI) const
int getNumberOfNodes () const
virtual int getNumberOfNodesInCell (int cellId) const =0
int getSpaceDimension () const
void getTinySerializationInformation (std::vector< double > &tinyInfoD, std::vector< int > &tinyInfo, std::vector< std::string > &littleStrings) const
virtual bool isEmptyMesh (const std::vector< int > &tinyInfo) const =0
bool isEqualIfNotWhy (const MEDCouplingMesh *other, double prec, std::string &reason) const
bool isEqualWithoutConsideringStr (const MEDCouplingMesh *other, double prec) const
virtual MEDCouplingPointSetmergeMyselfWithOnSameCoords (const MEDCouplingPointSet *other) const =0
virtual DataArrayIntmergeNodes (double precision, bool &areNodesMerged, int &newNbOfNodes)
virtual DataArrayIntmergeNodesCenter (double precision, bool &areNodesMerged, int &newNbOfNodes)
void recenterForMaxPrecision (double eps)
virtual void renumberNodes (const int *newNodeNumbers, int newNbOfNodes)
virtual void renumberNodesCenter (const int *newNodeNumbers, int newNbOfNodes)
virtual void renumberNodesInConn (const int *newNodeNumbersO2N)=0
virtual void renumberNodesInConn (const INTERP_KERNEL::HashMap< int, int > &newNodeNumbersO2N)=0
virtual void renumberNodesWithOffsetInConn (int offset)=0
void resizeForUnserialization (const std::vector< int > &tinyInfo, DataArrayInt *a1, DataArrayDouble *a2, std::vector< std::string > &littleStrings) const
void rotate (const double *center, const double *vector, double angle)
void scale (const double *point, double factor)
void serialize (DataArrayInt *&a1, DataArrayDouble *&a2) const
void setCoords (const DataArrayDouble *coords)
virtual void shallowCopyConnectivityFrom (const MEDCouplingPointSet *other)=0
void translate (const double *vector)
void tryToShareSameCoords (const MEDCouplingPointSet &other, double epsilon)
virtual void tryToShareSameCoordsPermute (const MEDCouplingPointSet &other, double epsilon)
void unserialization (const std::vector< double > &tinyInfoD, const std::vector< int > &tinyInfo, const DataArrayInt *a1, DataArrayDouble *a2, const std::vector< std::string > &littleStrings)
void updateTime () const
virtual DataArrayIntzipConnectivityTraducer (int compType, int startCellId=0)
void zipCoords ()
virtual DataArrayIntzipCoordsTraducer ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingMesh
virtual std::string advancedRepr () const =0
virtual bool areCompatibleForMerge (const MEDCouplingMesh *other) const
virtual MEDCouplingUMeshbuildUnstructured () const =0
virtual void checkConsistency (double eps=1e-12) const =0
void checkGeoEquivalWith (const MEDCouplingMesh *other, int levOfCheck, double prec, DataArrayInt *&cellCor, DataArrayInt *&nodeCor) const
virtual MEDCouplingMeshclone (bool recDeepCpy) const =0
virtual DataArrayIntcomputeEffectiveNbOfNodesPerCell () const =0
virtual DataArrayDoublecomputeIsoBarycenterOfNodesPerCell () const =0
virtual DataArrayIntcomputeNbOfFacesPerCell () const =0
virtual DataArrayIntcomputeNbOfNodesPerCell () const =0
virtual void copyTinyInfoFrom (const MEDCouplingMesh *other)
virtual MEDCouplingMeshdeepCopy () const =0
virtual MEDCouplingFieldDoublefillFromAnalytic (TypeOfField t, int nbOfComp, FunctionToEvaluate func) const
virtual MEDCouplingFieldDoublefillFromAnalytic (TypeOfField t, int nbOfComp, const std::string &func) const
virtual MEDCouplingFieldDoublefillFromAnalyticCompo (TypeOfField t, int nbOfComp, const std::string &func) const
virtual MEDCouplingFieldDoublefillFromAnalyticNamedCompo (TypeOfField t, int nbOfComp, const std::vector< std::string > &varsOrder, const std::string &func) const
virtual void getCellsContainingPoints (const double *pos, int nbOfPoints, double eps, MCAuto< DataArrayInt > &elts, MCAuto< DataArrayInt > &eltsIndex) const
std::string getDescription () const
std::string getName () const
virtual void getNodeIdsOfCell (int cellId, std::vector< int > &conn) const =0
virtual int getNumberOfCells () const =0
virtual void getReverseNodalConnectivity (DataArrayInt *revNodal, DataArrayInt *revNodalIndx) const =0
double getTime (int &iteration, int &order) const
std::string getTimeUnit () const
virtual MEDCouplingMeshType getType () const =0
std::string getVTKFileNameOf (const std::string &fileName) const
virtual bool isEqual (const MEDCouplingMesh *other, double prec) const
bool isStructured () const
virtual MEDCouplingMeshmergeMyselfWith (const MEDCouplingMesh *other) const =0
virtual void renumberCells (const int *old2NewBg, bool check=true)=0
virtual void reprQuickOverview (std::ostream &stream) const =0
void setDescription (const std::string &descr)
void setName (const std::string &name)
void setTime (double val, int iteration, int order)
void setTimeUnit (const std::string &unit)
virtual std::string simpleRepr () const =0
virtual DataArrayIntsimplexize (int policy)=0
std::string writeVTK (const std::string &fileName, bool isBinary=true) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from MEDCoupling::TimeLabel
void declareAsNew () const
std::size_t getTimeOfThis () const
TimeLabeloperator= (const TimeLabel &other)

Static Public Member Functions

static MEDCouplingUMeshAggregateOnSameCoordsToUMesh (const std::vector< const MEDCoupling1GTUMesh * > &parts)
static MEDCoupling1GTUMeshNew (const std::string &name, INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType type)
static MEDCoupling1GTUMeshNew (const MEDCouplingUMesh *m)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingPointSet
static MEDCouplingPointSetBuildInstanceFromMeshType (MEDCouplingMeshType type)
static DataArrayIntComputeNbOfInteractionsWithSrcCells (const MEDCouplingPointSet *srcMesh, const MEDCouplingPointSet *trgMesh, double eps)
static DataArrayDoubleMergeNodesArray (const MEDCouplingPointSet *m1, const MEDCouplingPointSet *m2)
static DataArrayDoubleMergeNodesArray (const std::vector< const MEDCouplingPointSet * > &ms)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingMesh
GetCorrespondingPolyType (INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType type)
static int GetDimensionOfGeometricType (INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType type)
static int GetNumberOfNodesOfGeometricType (INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType type)
static const char * GetReprOfGeometricType (INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType type)
static bool IsLinearGeometricType (INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType type)
static bool IsStaticGeometricType (INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType type)
static MEDCouplingMeshMergeMeshes (const MEDCouplingMesh *mesh1, const MEDCouplingMesh *mesh2)
static MEDCouplingMeshMergeMeshes (std::vector< const MEDCouplingMesh * > &meshes)

Protected Member Functions

 MEDCoupling1GTUMesh (const std::string &name, const INTERP_KERNEL::CellModel &cm)
 MEDCoupling1GTUMesh (const MEDCoupling1GTUMesh &other, bool recDeepCpy)
 MEDCoupling1GTUMesh ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingPointSet
void checkConsistencyLight () const
 MEDCouplingPointSet ()
 MEDCouplingPointSet (const MEDCouplingPointSet &other, bool deepCopy)
void project2DCellOnXY (const int *startConn, const int *endConn, std::vector< double > &res) const
void rotate2D (const double *center, double angle)
void rotate3D (const double *center, const double *vect, double angle)
 ~MEDCouplingPointSet ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingMesh
 MEDCouplingMesh ()
 MEDCouplingMesh (const MEDCouplingMesh &other)
virtual ~MEDCouplingMesh ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MEDCoupling::RefCountObject
 RefCountObject ()
 RefCountObject (const RefCountObject &other)
virtual ~RefCountObject ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MEDCoupling::RefCountObjectOnly
 RefCountObjectOnly ()
 RefCountObjectOnly (const RefCountObjectOnly &other)
virtual ~RefCountObjectOnly ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MEDCoupling::TimeLabel
void forceTimeOfThis (const TimeLabel &other) const
 TimeLabel ()
void updateTimeWith (const TimeLabel &other) const
virtual ~TimeLabel ()

Protected Attributes

const INTERP_KERNEL::CellModel * _cm
- Protected Attributes inherited from MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingPointSet

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingPointSet
static bool intersectsBoundingBox (const double *bb1, const double *bb2, int dim, double eps)
static bool intersectsBoundingBox (const INTERP_KERNEL::DirectedBoundingBox &bb1, const double *bb2, int dim, double eps)
static bool isButterfly2DCell (const std::vector< double > &res, bool isQuad, double eps)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MEDCoupling1GTUMesh::MEDCoupling1GTUMesh ( const std::string &  name,
const INTERP_KERNEL::CellModel &  cm 
MEDCoupling1GTUMesh::MEDCoupling1GTUMesh ( const MEDCoupling1GTUMesh other,
bool  recDeepCpy 
MEDCoupling1GTUMesh::MEDCoupling1GTUMesh ( )

Member Function Documentation

DataArrayInt * MEDCoupling1GTUMesh::giveCellsWithType ( INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType  type) const

This method returns a newly allocated array containing cell ids (ascendingly sorted) whose geometric type are equal to type. This method does not throw exception if geometric type type is not in this. This method throws an INTERP_KERNEL::Exception if meshdimension of this is not equal to those of type. The coordinates array is not considered here.

[in]typethe geometric type
cell ids in this having geometric type type.

Implements MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingMesh.

References MEDCoupling::DataArrayTemplate< T >::alloc(), getCellModelEnum(), MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingMesh::getNumberOfCells(), MEDCoupling::DataArrayInt::iota(), MEDCoupling::DataArrayInt::New(), and MEDCoupling::MCAuto< T >::retn().

int MEDCoupling1GTUMesh::getNumberOfCellsWithType ( INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType  type) const

Returns nb of cells having the geometric type type. No throw if no cells in this has the geometric type type.

Implements MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingMesh.

References getCellModelEnum(), and MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingMesh::getNumberOfCells().

INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType MEDCoupling1GTUMesh::getTypeOfCell ( int  cellId) const

Returns a type of a cell by its id.

[in]cellId- the id of the cell of interest.
INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType - enumeration item describing the cell type.
IfcellId is invalid. Valid range is [0, this->getNumberOfCells() ).

Implements MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingMesh.

References getCellModelEnum(), and MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingMesh::getNumberOfCells().

std::set< INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType > MEDCoupling1GTUMesh::getAllGeoTypes ( ) const

Returns a set of all cell types available in this mesh.

std::set<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType> - the set of cell types.
this method does not throw any exception even if this is not defined.

Implements MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingMesh.

References getCellModelEnum().

std::vector< int > MEDCoupling1GTUMesh::getDistributionOfTypes ( ) const

This method expects that this is sorted by types. If not an exception will be thrown. This method returns in the same format as code (see MEDCouplingUMesh::checkTypeConsistencyAndContig or MEDCouplingUMesh::splitProfilePerType) how this is composed in cell types. The returned array is of size 3*n where n is the number of different types present in this. For every k in [0,n] ret[3*k+2]==-1 because it has no sense here. This parameter is kept only for compatibility with other methode listed above.

Implements MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingMesh.

References getCellModelEnum(), and MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingMesh::getNumberOfCells().

void MEDCoupling1GTUMesh::splitProfilePerType ( const DataArrayInt profile,
std::vector< int > &  code,
std::vector< DataArrayInt * > &  idsInPflPerType,
std::vector< DataArrayInt * > &  idsPerType 
) const

This method is the opposite of MEDCouplingUMesh::checkTypeConsistencyAndContig method. Given a list of cells in profile it returns a list of sub-profiles sorted by geo type. The result is put in the array idsPerType. In the returned parameter code, foreach i code[3*i+2] refers (if different from -1) to a location into the idsPerType. This method has 1 input profile and 3 outputs code idsInPflPerType and idsPerType.

[out]codeis a vector of size 3*n where n is the number of different geometric type in this reduced to the profile profile. code has exactly the same semantic than in MEDCouplingUMesh::checkTypeConsistencyAndContig method.
[out]idsInPflPerTypeis a vector of size of different geometric type in the subpart defined by profile of this ( equal to code.size()/3). For each i, idsInPflPerType[i] stores the tuple ids in profile that correspond to the geometric type code[3*i+0]
[out]idsPerTypeis a vector of size of different sub profiles needed to be defined to represent the profile profile for a given geometric type. This vector can be empty in case of all geometric type cells are fully covered in ascending in the given input profile.
for performance reasons no deep copy will be performed, if profile can been used as this in output parameters idsInPflPerType and idsPerType.
ifprofile has not exactly one component. It throws too, if profile contains some values not in [0,getNumberOfCells()) or if this is not fully defined


  • Before this has 3 cells profile contains [0,1,2]
  • After code contains [NORM_...,nbCells,-1], idsInPflPerType [[0,1,2]] and idsPerType is empty


  • Before this has 3 cells profile contains [1,2]
  • After code contains [NORM_...,nbCells,0], idsInPflPerType [[0,1]] and idsPerType is [[1,2]]

Implements MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingMesh.

References MEDCoupling::DataArrayInt::checkAllIdsInRange(), getCellModelEnum(), MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingMesh::getNumberOfCells(), MEDCoupling::DataArray::getNumberOfComponents(), MEDCoupling::DataArrayTemplate< T >::getNumberOfTuples(), MEDCoupling::RefCountObjectOnly::incrRef(), MEDCoupling::DataArrayInt::isIota(), and MEDCoupling::DataArrayInt::Range().

DataArrayInt * MEDCoupling1GTUMesh::checkTypeConsistencyAndContig ( const std::vector< int > &  code,
const std::vector< const DataArrayInt * > &  idsPerType 
) const

This method tries to minimize at most the number of deep copy. So if idsPerType is not empty it can be returned directly (without copy, but with ref count incremented) in return.

See Also

Implements MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingMesh.

References _cm, MEDCoupling::DataArrayInt::checkAllIdsInRange(), getCellModelEnum(), MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingMesh::getNumberOfCells(), MEDCoupling::DataArray::getNumberOfComponents(), and MEDCoupling::RefCountObjectOnly::incrRef().

void MEDCoupling1GTUMesh::writeVTKLL ( std::ostream &  ofs,
const std::string &  cellData,
const std::string &  pointData,
DataArrayByte byteData 
) const
std::string MEDCoupling1GTUMesh::getVTKDataSetType ( ) const
std::string MEDCoupling1GTUMesh::getVTKFileExtension ( ) const
bool MEDCoupling1GTUMesh::isEqualIfNotWhy ( const MEDCouplingMesh other,
double  prec,
std::string &  reason 
) const
void MEDCoupling1GTUMesh::checkConsistencyLight ( ) const
int MEDCoupling1GTUMesh::getCellContainingPoint ( const double *  pos,
double  eps 
) const
void MEDCoupling1GTUMesh::getCellsContainingPoint ( const double *  pos,
double  eps,
std::vector< int > &  elts 
) const
DataArrayInt * MEDCoupling1GTUMesh::getCellsInBoundingBox ( const double *  bbox,
double  eps 
) const
DataArrayInt * MEDCoupling1GTUMesh::getCellsInBoundingBox ( const INTERP_KERNEL::DirectedBoundingBox &  bbox,
double  eps 
MEDCouplingPointSet * MEDCoupling1GTUMesh::buildFacePartOfMySelfNode ( const int *  start,
const int *  end,
bool  fullyIn 
) const
MEDCouplingPointSet * MEDCoupling1GTUMesh::buildBoundaryMesh ( bool  keepCoords) const
void MEDCoupling1GTUMesh::findCommonCells ( int  compType,
int  startCellId,
DataArrayInt *&  commonCellsArr,
DataArrayInt *&  commonCellsIArr 
) const
MEDCouplingUMesh * MEDCoupling1GTUMesh::AggregateOnSameCoordsToUMesh ( const std::vector< const MEDCoupling1GTUMesh * > &  parts)

This method aggregates all the meshes in parts to put them in a single unstructured mesh (those returned). The order of cells is the returned instance is those in the order of instances in parts.

[in]parts- all not null parts of single geo type meshes to be aggreagated having the same mesh dimension and same coordinates.
MEDCouplingUMesh * - new object to be dealt by the caller.
Ifone element is null in parts.
Ifnot all the parts do not have the same mesh dimension.
Ifnot all the parts do not share the same coordinates.
Ifnot all the parts have their connectivity set properly.
Ifparts is empty.

References MEDCoupling::DataArrayTemplate< T >::alloc(), MEDCoupling::DataArrayTemplate< T >::begin(), MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingPointSet::getCoords(), MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingMesh::getDescription(), getMeshDimension(), MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingMesh::getName(), MEDCoupling::MEDCoupling1DGTUMesh::getNodalConnectivityIndex(), MEDCoupling::DataArrayTemplate< T >::getPointer(), MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingUMesh::New(), and MEDCoupling::DataArrayInt::New().

virtual void MEDCoupling::MEDCoupling1GTUMesh::allocateCells ( int  nbOfCells = 0)
pure virtual
virtual void MEDCoupling::MEDCoupling1GTUMesh::insertNextCell ( const int *  nodalConnOfCellBg,
const int *  nodalConnOfCellEnd 
pure virtual
virtual DataArrayInt* MEDCoupling::MEDCoupling1GTUMesh::getNodalConnectivity ( ) const
pure virtual
virtual void MEDCoupling::MEDCoupling1GTUMesh::checkConsistencyOfConnectivity ( ) const
pure virtual

Member Data Documentation