Version: 8.3.0
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def compo_utils.create_input_dict
 This function returns a dictionary containing the input values to be used in the computation code. More...
def compo_utils.create_normal_parametric_output
 This function returns a structure describing the output of the computation code in parametric studies. More...
def compo_utils.create_error_parametric_output
 This function returns a structure describing the output of the computation code in parametric studies in case of error. More...

Detailed Description

This module provides utility functions for the computation codes intended for use in parametric studies. The computation codes must be implemented as SALOME components to use these functions. If the computation code is implemented as a Python script or function, use module salome.kernel.parametric.compo_utils instead.

Function Documentation

def compo_utils.create_input_dict (   deterministic_dict,

This function returns a dictionary containing the input values to be used in the computation code.

deterministic_dict(dict) dictionary containing the fixed values (i.e. non-parametric). This dictionary can be empty if all variables are parametric.
parametric_input(SALOME_TYPES/ParametricInput) structure containing the description and values of the parametric variables.
a dictionary containing the input values for the computation code.
def compo_utils.create_normal_parametric_output (   output_dict,

This function returns a structure describing the output of the computation code in parametric studies.

output_dict(dict) dictionary containing the output values of the computation code (the keys are the variable names, the values are the variable values).
parametric_input(SALOME_TYPES/ParametricInput) structure containing the description and values of the parametric variables.
a structure of type SALOME_TYPES/ParametricOutput containing the output of the computation code.
def compo_utils.create_error_parametric_output (   error_message)

This function returns a structure describing the output of the computation code in parametric studies in case of error.

error_message(string) the error message.
a structure of type SALOME_TYPES/ParametricOutput describing the error.