Version: 8.3.0
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SALOMEDS::AttributeParameter Interface Reference

Parameter attribute. More...

Inheritance diagram for SALOMEDS::AttributeParameter:
Inheritance graph

Data Structures

exception  InvalidIdentifier
 This exception is raised when an invalid identifier is passed as parameter. More...

Public Member Functions

void SetInt (in string ID, in long value)
 Associates integer value with the unique identifier. More...
long GetInt (in string ID) raises (InvalidIdentifier)
 Returns integer value associated with the specified identifier. More...
void SetReal (in string ID, in double value)
 Associates real value with the unique identifier. More...
double GetReal (in string ID) raises (InvalidIdentifier)
 Returns real value associated with the specified identifier. More...
void SetString (in string ID, in string value)
 Associates string value with the unique identifier. More...
string GetString (in string ID) raises (InvalidIdentifier)
 Returns string value associated with the specified identifier. More...
void SetBool (in string ID, in boolean value)
 Associates boolean value with the unique identifier. More...
boolean GetBool (in string ID) raises (InvalidIdentifier)
 Returns boolean value associated with the specified identifier. More...
void SetRealArray (in string ID, in DoubleSeq value)
 Associates real array value with the unique identifier. More...
DoubleSeq GetRealArray (in string ID) raises (InvalidIdentifier)
 Returns real array value associated with the specified identifier. More...
void SetIntArray (in string ID, in LongSeq value)
 Associates integer array value with the unique identifier. More...
LongSeq GetIntArray (in string ID) raises (InvalidIdentifier)
 Returns integer array value associated with the specified identifier. More...
void SetStrArray (in string ID, in StringSeq value)
 Associates string array value with the unique identifier. More...
StringSeq GetStrArray (in string ID) raises (InvalidIdentifier)
 Returns string array value associated with the specified identifier. More...
boolean IsSet (in string ID, in long ptype)
 Checks if the value of specified type is set for the identifier. More...
boolean RemoveID (in string ID, in long ptype)
 Removes value of specified type from the named parameter. More...
AttributeParameter GetFather ()
 Returns a father attribute of this attribute. More...
boolean HasFather ()
 Check if this attribute has parent parameter attribute. More...
boolean IsRoot ()
 Check if this attribute is a root (top-level) parameter attribute. More...
void Clear ()
 Clears the content of the attribute. More...
StringSeq GetIDs (in long ptype)
 Returns a sequence of parameters identifiers of the specified type stored in the attribute. More...
void CheckLocked () raises (LockProtection)
 Method CheckLocked. More...
string Type ()
 Get Type. More...
string GetClassType ()
 Get the class type. More...
SObject GetSObject ()
 Get SObject. More...
long long GetLocalImpl (in string theHostname, in long thePID, out boolean isLocal)
 Private method, returns an implementation of this GenericAttribute. More...
void Register ()
 Increase the reference count (mark as used by another object). More...
void UnRegister ()
 Decrease the reference count (release by another object). More...
void Destroy ()
 Obsolete, left for compatibility reasons only. Use UnRegister() instead. More...

Detailed Description

Parameter attribute.

This attribute is a universal container of arbitrary data of basic types (integer, real, string, array, etc).

Each parameter is identified by the unique name. Only one value of the specific type can be assigned to the parameter, though it is allowed to assign values of different types to the same name.

Member Function Documentation

void SALOMEDS::AttributeParameter::SetInt ( in string  ID,
in long  value 

Associates integer value with the unique identifier.

IDparameter name
valueparameter value
long SALOMEDS::AttributeParameter::GetInt ( in string  ID) raises (InvalidIdentifier)

Returns integer value associated with the specified identifier.

Raises an exception if integer parameter is not set for the specified parameter.

IDparameter name
integer value assigned to the parameter
void SALOMEDS::AttributeParameter::SetReal ( in string  ID,
in double  value 

Associates real value with the unique identifier.

IDparameter name
valueparameter value
double SALOMEDS::AttributeParameter::GetReal ( in string  ID) raises (InvalidIdentifier)

Returns real value associated with the specified identifier.

Raises an exception if real parameter is not set for the specified parameter.

IDparameter name
real value assigned to the parameter
void SALOMEDS::AttributeParameter::SetString ( in string  ID,
in string  value 

Associates string value with the unique identifier.

IDparameter name
valueparameter value
string SALOMEDS::AttributeParameter::GetString ( in string  ID) raises (InvalidIdentifier)

Returns string value associated with the specified identifier.

Raises an exception if string parameter is not set for the specified parameter.

IDparameter name
string value assigned to the parameter
void SALOMEDS::AttributeParameter::SetBool ( in string  ID,
in boolean  value 

Associates boolean value with the unique identifier.

IDparameter name
valueparameter value
boolean SALOMEDS::AttributeParameter::GetBool ( in string  ID) raises (InvalidIdentifier)

Returns boolean value associated with the specified identifier.

Raises an exception if boolean parameter is not set for the specified parameter.

IDparameter name
boolean value assigned to the parameter
void SALOMEDS::AttributeParameter::SetRealArray ( in string  ID,
in DoubleSeq  value 

Associates real array value with the unique identifier.

IDparameter name
valueparameter value
DoubleSeq SALOMEDS::AttributeParameter::GetRealArray ( in string  ID) raises (InvalidIdentifier)

Returns real array value associated with the specified identifier.

Raises an exception if real array parameter is not set for the specified parameter.

IDparameter name
real array value assigned to the parameter
void SALOMEDS::AttributeParameter::SetIntArray ( in string  ID,
in LongSeq  value 

Associates integer array value with the unique identifier.

IDparameter name
valueparameter value
LongSeq SALOMEDS::AttributeParameter::GetIntArray ( in string  ID) raises (InvalidIdentifier)

Returns integer array value associated with the specified identifier.

Raises an exception if integer array parameter is not set for the specified parameter.

IDparameter name
integer array value assigned to the parameter
void SALOMEDS::AttributeParameter::SetStrArray ( in string  ID,
in StringSeq  value 

Associates string array value with the unique identifier.

IDparameter name
valueparameter value
StringSeq SALOMEDS::AttributeParameter::GetStrArray ( in string  ID) raises (InvalidIdentifier)

Returns string array value associated with the specified identifier.

Raises an exception if string array parameter is not set for the specified parameter.

IDparameter name
string array value assigned to the parameter
boolean SALOMEDS::AttributeParameter::IsSet ( in string  ID,
in long  ptype 

Checks if the value of specified type is set for the identifier.

IDparameter name
ptypeparameter type [0(integer), 1(real), 2(boolean), 3(string), 4(real array), 5(integer array), 6(string array)]
true if the value of type ptype is associated with the parameter ID
boolean SALOMEDS::AttributeParameter::RemoveID ( in string  ID,
in long  ptype 

Removes value of specified type from the named parameter.

IDparameter name
ptypeparameter type [0(integer), 1(real), 2(boolean), 3(string), 4(real array), 5(integer array), 6(string array)]
true if value is successfully removed or false otherwise
AttributeParameter SALOMEDS::AttributeParameter::GetFather ( )

Returns a father attribute of this attribute.

father parameter attribute
boolean SALOMEDS::AttributeParameter::HasFather ( )

Check if this attribute has parent parameter attribute.

true if this attribute has parent parameter attribute
boolean SALOMEDS::AttributeParameter::IsRoot ( )

Check if this attribute is a root (top-level) parameter attribute.

true if this attribute is a root parameter attribute
void SALOMEDS::AttributeParameter::Clear ( )

Clears the content of the attribute.

StringSeq SALOMEDS::AttributeParameter::GetIDs ( in long  ptype)

Returns a sequence of parameters identifiers of the specified type stored in the attribute.

ptypeparameter type [0(integer), 1(real), 2(boolean), 3(string), 4(real array), 5(integer array), 6(string array)]
list of parameters identifier
void SALOMEDS::GenericAttribute::CheckLocked ( ) raises (LockProtection)

Method CheckLocked.

Checks whether the Study is protected for modifications.


This exception is raised only outside a transaction.
string SALOMEDS::GenericAttribute::Type ( )

Get Type.

string SALOMEDS::GenericAttribute::GetClassType ( )

Get the class type.

SObject SALOMEDS::GenericAttribute::GetSObject ( )

Get SObject.

long long SALOMEDS::GenericAttribute::GetLocalImpl ( in string  theHostname,
in long  thePID,
out boolean  isLocal 

Private method, returns an implementation of this GenericAttribute.

theHostnameis a hostname of the caller
thePIDis a process ID of the caller
isLocalis set True if the GenericAttribute is launched locally with the caller
void SALOME::GenericObj::Register ( )

Increase the reference count (mark as used by another object).

void SALOME::GenericObj::UnRegister ( )

Decrease the reference count (release by another object).

void SALOME::GenericObj::Destroy ( )

Obsolete, left for compatibility reasons only. Use UnRegister() instead.