SALOME NoteBook allows defining variables to be used for creation and modification of objects.
Setting of variables in SALOME NoteBook
Use of variables to add a node in MESH module
The following limitations on the use of variables still exist:
Distribution of Layers hypothesis - parametrical values are correctly applied, but they are not restored after "Update study" operation.
Number of Segments hypothesis, Distribution with Table Density and Distribution with Analytic Density - parametrical values are not applicable.
Translation dialog box, default mode (translation by two points) - parametrical values are correctly applied, but they are not restored after "Update study" operation.
Merging nodes dialog box - parametrical value (tolerance of coincident nodes detection) is correctly applied, but it is not restored after "Update study" operation.
Revolution dialog box - it is impossible to use the angle of revolution as "total angle" if it is defined as variable.
Extrusion along a path dialog box - it is impossible to use "Linear variation of the angles" mode if at least one of those angles is defined as variable.
Pattern mapping dialog box - parametrical values (indices of nodes) are correctly applied, but they are not restored after "Update study" operation.
Clipping dialog box.
Properties dialog box.
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