Version: 8.3.0
SALOMEDS::SComponent Interface Reference

SComponent interface More...

import "SALOMEDS.idl";

Inheritance diagram for SALOMEDS::SComponent:

Public Member Functions

string ComponentDataType ()
 Gets the data type of the given SComponent. More...
boolean ComponentIOR (out ID theID)
 Gets the IOR of the given component. More...
boolean IsNull ()
 Returns true if the SObject does not belong to any Study. More...
ID GetID ()
 Gets an object ID. More...
SComponent GetFatherComponent ()
 Acquisition of the father Component of the SObject. More...
SObject GetFather ()
 Acquisition of the father SObject of the SObject. More...
short Tag ()
 Gets the tag of a SObject. More...
short GetLastChildTag ()
 Returns a tag of the last child SObject (if any) of this SObject. More...
short Depth ()
 Gets the depth of a SObject. More...
boolean FindSubObject (in long atag, out SObject obj)
 Looks for subobjects of a given SObject. More...
boolean FindAttribute (out GenericAttribute anAttribute, in string aTypeOfAttribute)
 Looks for attributes of a given SObject. More...
boolean ReferencedObject (out SObject obj)
 Looks for a SObject which the given SObject refers to. More...
ListOfAttributes GetAllAttributes ()
 Gets all attributes of a given SObject. More...
Study GetStudy ()
 Gets the study of a given SObject. More...
Object GetObject ()
 Gets the CORBA object by its own IOR attribute. More...
string GetName ()
 Returns the name attribute value of this SObject. More...
string GetComment ()
 Returns the comment attribute value of this SObject. More...
string GetIOR ()
 Returns the IOR attribute value of this SObject. More...
void SetAttrString (in string name, in string value)
 Set an attribute value (of type string) More...
long long GetLocalImpl (in string theHostname, in long thePID, out boolean isLocal)
 Private method, returns an implementation of this SObject. More...
void Register ()
 Increase the reference count (mark as used by another object). More...
void UnRegister ()
 Decrease the reference count (release by another object). More...
void Destroy ()
 Obsolete, left for compatibility reasons only. More...

Data Fields

attribute string Name
 Name of the SObject. More...

Detailed Description

SComponent interface

The SComponent interface establishes in the study a permanent assocition to the Components integrated into SALOME platform. The SComponent interface is a specialization of the SObject interface. It inherits the most of its methods from the SObject interface.

Member Function Documentation

string SALOMEDS::SComponent::ComponentDataType ( )

Gets the data type of the given SComponent.

The data type of this SComponent.
boolean SALOMEDS::SComponent::ComponentIOR ( out ID  theID)

Gets the IOR of the given component.

True (if there is an instance of the given component) and its IOR.
short SALOMEDS::SObject::Depth ( )

Gets the depth of a SObject.

the depth of a SObject.
void SALOME::GenericObj::Destroy ( )

Obsolete, left for compatibility reasons only.

Use UnRegister() instead.

boolean SALOMEDS::SObject::FindAttribute ( out GenericAttribute  anAttribute,
in string  aTypeOfAttribute 

Looks for attributes of a given SObject.

aTypeOfAttributeString value defining the type of the required attribute of the given SObject.
True if it finds an attribute of a definite type of the given SObject as well as the discovered attribute.

See example1 for an example of this method usage in batchmode of SALOME application.

boolean SALOMEDS::SObject::FindSubObject ( in long  atag,
out SObject  obj 

Looks for subobjects of a given SObject.

atagTag of the given SObject
True if it finds a subobject of the SObject with a definite tag as well as the required subobject.
ListOfAttributes SALOMEDS::SObject::GetAllAttributes ( )

Gets all attributes of a given SObject.

The list of all attributes of the given SObject.

See example17 for an example of this method usage in batchmode of SALOME application.

string SALOMEDS::SObject::GetComment ( )

Returns the comment attribute value of this SObject.

Returns empty string if there is no comment attribute.

SObject SALOMEDS::SObject::GetFather ( )

Acquisition of the father SObject of the SObject.

the father SObject of the given SObject.
SComponent SALOMEDS::SObject::GetFatherComponent ( )

Acquisition of the father Component of the SObject.

The father Component of the SObject.
ID SALOMEDS::SObject::GetID ( )

Gets an object ID.

ID of the SObject.
string SALOMEDS::SObject::GetIOR ( )

Returns the IOR attribute value of this SObject.

Returns empty string if there is no IOR attribute.

short SALOMEDS::SObject::GetLastChildTag ( )

Returns a tag of the last child SObject (if any) of this SObject.

Returns zero if this SObject has no children.

long long SALOMEDS::SObject::GetLocalImpl ( in string  theHostname,
in long  thePID,
out boolean  isLocal 

Private method, returns an implementation of this SObject.

theHostnameis a hostname of the caller
thePIDis a process ID of the caller
isLocalis set True if the SObject is launched locally with the caller
string SALOMEDS::SObject::GetName ( )

Returns the name attribute value of this SObject.

Returns empty string if there is no name attribute.

Object SALOMEDS::SObject::GetObject ( )

Gets the CORBA object by its own IOR attribute.

Returns nil, if can't.

The CORBA object of the SObject.
Study SALOMEDS::SObject::GetStudy ( )

Gets the study of a given SObject.

The study containing the given SObject.
boolean SALOMEDS::SObject::IsNull ( )

Returns true if the SObject does not belong to any Study.

boolean SALOMEDS::SObject::ReferencedObject ( out SObject  obj)

Looks for a SObject which the given SObject refers to.

The object which the given SObject refers to as well as True if it finds this object.
void SALOME::GenericObj::Register ( )

Increase the reference count (mark as used by another object).

void SALOMEDS::SObject::SetAttrString ( in string  name,
in string  value 

Set an attribute value (of type string)

namethe name of the attribute
valuethe value of the attribute
short SALOMEDS::SObject::Tag ( )

Gets the tag of a SObject.

the tag of a SObject.
void SALOME::GenericObj::UnRegister ( )

Decrease the reference count (release by another object).

Field Documentation

attribute string SALOMEDS::SObject::Name

Name of the SObject.