smesh_algorithm | Python API for base Mesh_Algorithm class |
Mesh_Algorithm | The base class to define meshing algorithms |
smeshBuilder | Python API for SALOME Mesh module |
MeshMeta | Private class used to workaround a problem that sometimes isinstance(m, Mesh) returns False |
smeshBuilder | This class allows to create, load or manipulate meshes |
Mesh | This class allows defining and managing a mesh |
meshProxy | Private class used to compensate change of CORBA API of SMESH_Mesh for backward compatibility with old dump scripts which call SMESH_Mesh directly and not via smeshBuilder.Mesh |
submeshProxy | Private class wrapping SMESH.SMESH_SubMesh in order to add Compute() |
meshEditor | Private class used to compensate change of CORBA API of SMESH_MeshEditor for backward compatibility with old dump scripts which call SMESH_MeshEditor directly and not via smeshBuilder.Mesh |
Pattern | Private class wrapping SMESH.SMESH_Pattern CORBA class in order to treat Notebook variables in some methods |
algoCreator | Private class used to bind methods creating algorithms to the class Mesh |
hypMethodWrapper | Private class used to substitute and store variable parameters of hypotheses |
genObjUnRegister | A helper class that calls UnRegister() of SALOME.GenericObj'es stored in it |
smeshstudytools | Python API to access SMESH objects in the study |
SMeshStudyTools | This class provides several methods to manipulate mesh objects in Salome study |
StdMeshersBuilder | Python API for the standard meshing plug-in module |
StdMeshersBuilder_Segment | Defines segment 1D algorithm for edges discretization |
StdMeshersBuilder_CompositeSegment | Segment 1D algorithm for discretization of a set of adjacent edges as one edge |
StdMeshersBuilder_Segment_Python | Defines a segment 1D algorithm for discretization of edges with Python function |
StdMeshersBuilder_Triangle_MEFISTO | Triangle MEFISTO 2D algorithm |
StdMeshersBuilder_Quadrangle | Defines a quadrangle 2D algorithm |
StdMeshersBuilder_Hexahedron | Defines a hexahedron 3D algorithm |
StdMeshersBuilder_Projection1D | Defines a projection 1D algorithm |
StdMeshersBuilder_Projection2D | Defines a projection 2D algorithm |
StdMeshersBuilder_Projection1D2D | Defines a projection 1D-2D algorithm |
StdMeshersBuilder_Projection3D | Defines a projection 3D algorithm |
StdMeshersBuilder_Prism3D | Defines a Prism 3D algorithm, which is either "Extrusion 3D" or "Radial Prism" depending on geometry |
StdMeshersBuilder_RadialPrism3D | Defines Radial Prism 3D algorithm |
StdMeshersBuilder_RadialAlgorithm | Base class for algorithms supporting radial distribution hypotheses |
StdMeshersBuilder_RadialQuadrangle1D2D | Defines a Radial Quadrangle 1D-2D algorithm |
StdMeshersBuilder_QuadMA_1D2D | Defines a Quadrangle (Medial Axis Projection) 1D-2D algorithm |
StdMeshersBuilder_PolygonPerFace | Defines a Polygon Per Face 2D algorithm |
StdMeshersBuilder_UseExistingElements_1D | Defines a Use Existing Elements 1D algorithm |
StdMeshersBuilder_UseExistingElements_1D2D | Defines a Use Existing Elements 1D-2D algorithm |
StdMeshersBuilder_Cartesian_3D | Defines a Body Fitting 3D algorithm |
StdMeshersBuilder_UseExisting_1D | Defines a stub 1D algorithm, which enables "manual" creation of nodes and segments usable by 2D algorithms |
StdMeshersBuilder_UseExisting_2D | Defines a stub 2D algorithm, which enables "manual" creation of nodes and faces usable by 3D algorithms |
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