Version: 8.3.0
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
|\CsmeshBuilderThis class allows to create, load or manipulate meshes
|\CmeshProxyPrivate class used to compensate change of CORBA API of SMESH_Mesh for backward compatibility with old dump scripts which call SMESH_Mesh directly and not via smeshBuilder.Mesh
|\CmeshEditorPrivate class used to compensate change of CORBA API of SMESH_MeshEditor for backward compatibility with old dump scripts which call SMESH_MeshEditor directly and not via smeshBuilder.Mesh
|\CPatternPrivate class wrapping SMESH.SMESH_Pattern CORBA class in order to treat Notebook variables in some methods
|\CsubmeshProxyPrivate class wrapping SMESH.SMESH_SubMesh in order to add Compute()
oCalgoCreatorPrivate class used to bind methods creating algorithms to the class Mesh
oCgenObjUnRegisterA helper class that calls UnRegister() of SALOME.GenericObj'es stored in it
oChypMethodWrapperPrivate class used to substitute and store variable parameters of hypotheses
oCMeshThis class allows defining and managing a mesh
oCMesh_AlgorithmThe base class to define meshing algorithms
|\CsmeshBuilderThis class allows to create, load or manipulate meshes
oCSMeshStudyToolsThis class provides several methods to manipulate mesh objects in Salome study
|\CMeshMetaPrivate class used to workaround a problem that sometimes isinstance(m, Mesh) returns False
 oCStdMeshersBuilder_Cartesian_3DDefines a Body Fitting 3D algorithm
 oCStdMeshersBuilder_HexahedronDefines a hexahedron 3D algorithm
 oCStdMeshersBuilder_PolygonPerFaceDefines a Polygon Per Face 2D algorithm
 oCStdMeshersBuilder_Prism3DDefines a Prism 3D algorithm, which is either "Extrusion 3D" or "Radial Prism" depending on geometry
 |\CStdMeshersBuilder_RadialPrism3DDefines Radial Prism 3D algorithm
 oCStdMeshersBuilder_Projection1DDefines a projection 1D algorithm
 oCStdMeshersBuilder_Projection2DDefines a projection 2D algorithm
 |\CStdMeshersBuilder_Projection1D2DDefines a projection 1D-2D algorithm
 oCStdMeshersBuilder_Projection3DDefines a projection 3D algorithm
 oCStdMeshersBuilder_QuadrangleDefines a quadrangle 2D algorithm
 oCStdMeshersBuilder_RadialAlgorithmBase class for algorithms supporting radial distribution hypotheses
 |oCStdMeshersBuilder_QuadMA_1D2DDefines a Quadrangle (Medial Axis Projection) 1D-2D algorithm
 |\CStdMeshersBuilder_RadialQuadrangle1D2DDefines a Radial Quadrangle 1D-2D algorithm
 oCStdMeshersBuilder_SegmentDefines segment 1D algorithm for edges discretization
 |\CStdMeshersBuilder_CompositeSegmentSegment 1D algorithm for discretization of a set of adjacent edges as one edge
 oCStdMeshersBuilder_Segment_PythonDefines a segment 1D algorithm for discretization of edges with Python function
 oCStdMeshersBuilder_Triangle_MEFISTOTriangle MEFISTO 2D algorithm
 oCStdMeshersBuilder_UseExisting_1DDefines a stub 1D algorithm, which enables "manual" creation of nodes and segments usable by 2D algorithms
 oCStdMeshersBuilder_UseExisting_2DDefines a stub 2D algorithm, which enables "manual" creation of nodes and faces usable by 3D algorithms
 oCStdMeshersBuilder_UseExistingElements_1DDefines a Use Existing Elements 1D algorithm
 \CStdMeshersBuilder_UseExistingElements_1D2DDefines a Use Existing Elements 1D-2D algorithm