This class allows defining and managing a mesh. More...
Public Member Functions | |
def | __init__ |
Constructor. More... | |
def | __del__ |
Destructor. More... | |
def | SetMesh |
Initialize the Mesh object from an instance of SMESH_Mesh interface. More... | |
def | GetMesh |
Return the mesh, that is an instance of SMESH_Mesh interface. More... | |
def | GetName |
Get the name of the mesh. More... | |
def | SetName |
Set a name to the mesh. More... | |
def | GetSubMesh |
Get a sub-mesh object associated to a geom geometrical object. More... | |
def | GetShape |
Return the shape associated to the mesh. More... | |
def | SetShape |
Associate the given shape to the mesh (entails the recreation of the mesh) More... | |
def | Load |
Load mesh from the study after opening the study. More... | |
def | IsReadyToCompute |
Return true if the hypotheses are defined well. More... | |
def | GetAlgoState |
Return errors of hypotheses definition. More... | |
def | GetGeometryByMeshElement |
Return a geometrical object on which the given element was built. More... | |
def | MeshDimension |
Return the mesh dimension depending on the dimension of the underlying shape or, if the mesh is not based on any shape, basing on deimension of elements. More... | |
def | Evaluate |
Evaluate size of prospective mesh on a shape. More... | |
def | Compute |
Compute the mesh and return the status of the computation. More... | |
def | GetComputeErrors |
Return a list of error messages (SMESH.ComputeError) of the last Compute() More... | |
def | GetSubShapeName |
Return a name of a sub-shape by its ID. More... | |
def | GetFailedShapes |
Return a list of sub-shapes meshing of which failed, grouped into GEOM groups by error of an algorithm. More... | |
def | GetMeshOrder |
Return sub-mesh objects list in meshing order. More... | |
def | SetMeshOrder |
Set order in which concurrent sub-meshes should be meshed. More... | |
def | Clear |
Remove all nodes and elements generated on geometry. More... | |
def | ClearSubMesh |
Remove all nodes and elements of indicated shape. More... | |
def | AutomaticTetrahedralization |
Compute a tetrahedral mesh using AutomaticLength + MEFISTO + Tetrahedron. More... | |
def | AutomaticHexahedralization |
Compute an hexahedral mesh using AutomaticLength + Quadrangle + Hexahedron. More... | |
def | AddHypothesis |
Assign a hypothesis. More... | |
def | IsUsedHypothesis |
Return True if an algorithm of hypothesis is assigned to a given shape. More... | |
def | RemoveHypothesis |
Unassign a hypothesis. More... | |
def | GetHypothesisList |
Get the list of hypotheses added on a geometry. More... | |
def | RemoveGlobalHypotheses |
Remove all global hypotheses. More... | |
def | ExportMED |
Export the mesh in a file in MED format allowing to overwrite the file if it exists or add the exported data to its contents. More... | |
def | ExportSAUV |
Export the mesh in a file in SAUV format. More... | |
def | ExportDAT |
Export the mesh in a file in DAT format. More... | |
def | ExportUNV |
Export the mesh in a file in UNV format. More... | |
def | ExportSTL |
Export the mesh in a file in STL format. More... | |
def | ExportCGNS |
Export the mesh in a file in CGNS format. More... | |
def | ExportGMF |
Export the mesh in a file in GMF format. More... | |
def | ExportToMED |
Deprecated, used only for compatibility! Please, use ExportMED() method instead. More... | |
def | CreateEmptyGroup |
Create an empty mesh group. More... | |
def | Group |
Create a mesh group based on the geometric object grp and gives a name, if this parameter is not defined the name is the same as the geometric group name Note: Works like GroupOnGeom(). More... | |
def | GroupOnGeom |
Create a mesh group based on the geometrical object grp and gives a name, if this parameter is not defined the name is the same as the geometrical group name. More... | |
def | GroupOnFilter |
Create a mesh group with given name based on the filter which is a special type of group dynamically updating it's contents during mesh modification. More... | |
def | MakeGroupByIds |
Create a mesh group by the given ids of elements. More... | |
def | MakeGroup |
Create a mesh group by the given conditions. More... | |
def | MakeGroupByCriterion |
Create a mesh group by the given criterion. More... | |
def | MakeGroupByCriteria |
Create a mesh group by the given criteria (list of criteria) More... | |
def | MakeGroupByFilter |
Create a mesh group by the given filter. More... | |
def | RemoveGroup |
Remove a group. More... | |
def | RemoveGroupWithContents |
Remove a group with its contents. More... | |
def | GetGroups |
Get the list of groups existing in the mesh in the order of creation (starting from the oldest one) More... | |
def | NbGroups |
Get the number of groups existing in the mesh. More... | |
def | GetGroupNames |
Get the list of names of groups existing in the mesh. More... | |
def | GetGroupByName |
Find groups by name and type. More... | |
def | UnionGroups |
Produce a union of two groups. More... | |
def | UnionListOfGroups |
Produce a union list of groups. More... | |
def | IntersectGroups |
Prodice an intersection of two groups. More... | |
def | IntersectListOfGroups |
Produce an intersection of groups. More... | |
def | CutGroups |
Produce a cut of two groups. More... | |
def | CutListOfGroups |
Produce a cut of groups. More... | |
def | CreateDimGroup |
Create a standalone group of entities basing on nodes of other groups. More... | |
def | ConvertToStandalone |
Convert group on geom into standalone group. More... | |
def | GetLog |
Return the log of nodes and elements added or removed since the previous clear of the log. More... | |
def | ClearLog |
Clear the log of nodes and elements added or removed since the previous clear. More... | |
def | SetAutoColor |
Toggle auto color mode on the object. More... | |
def | GetAutoColor |
Get flag of object auto color mode. More... | |
def | GetId |
Get the internal ID. More... | |
def | GetStudyId |
Get the study Id. More... | |
def | HasDuplicatedGroupNamesMED |
Check the group names for duplications. More... | |
def | GetMeshEditor |
Obtain the mesh editor tool. More... | |
def | GetIDSource |
Wrap a list of IDs of elements or nodes into SMESH_IDSource which can be passed as argument to a method accepting mesh, group or sub-mesh. More... | |
def | GetMeshInfo |
Get the mesh stattistic. More... | |
def | NbNodes |
Return the number of nodes in the mesh. More... | |
def | NbElements |
Return the number of elements in the mesh. More... | |
def | Nb0DElements |
Return the number of 0d elements in the mesh. More... | |
def | NbBalls |
Return the number of ball discrete elements in the mesh. More... | |
def | NbEdges |
Return the number of edges in the mesh. More... | |
def | NbEdgesOfOrder |
Return the number of edges with the given order in the mesh. More... | |
def | NbFaces |
Return the number of faces in the mesh. More... | |
def | NbFacesOfOrder |
Return the number of faces with the given order in the mesh. More... | |
def | NbTriangles |
Return the number of triangles in the mesh. More... | |
def | NbTrianglesOfOrder |
Return the number of triangles with the given order in the mesh. More... | |
def | NbBiQuadTriangles |
Return the number of biquadratic triangles in the mesh. More... | |
def | NbQuadrangles |
Return the number of quadrangles in the mesh. More... | |
def | NbQuadranglesOfOrder |
Return the number of quadrangles with the given order in the mesh. More... | |
def | NbBiQuadQuadrangles |
Return the number of biquadratic quadrangles in the mesh. More... | |
def | NbPolygons |
Return the number of polygons of given order in the mesh. More... | |
def | NbVolumes |
Return the number of volumes in the mesh. More... | |
def | NbVolumesOfOrder |
Return the number of volumes with the given order in the mesh. More... | |
def | NbTetras |
Return the number of tetrahedrons in the mesh. More... | |
def | NbTetrasOfOrder |
Return the number of tetrahedrons with the given order in the mesh. More... | |
def | NbHexas |
Return the number of hexahedrons in the mesh. More... | |
def | NbHexasOfOrder |
Return the number of hexahedrons with the given order in the mesh. More... | |
def | NbTriQuadraticHexas |
Return the number of triquadratic hexahedrons in the mesh. More... | |
def | NbPyramids |
Return the number of pyramids in the mesh. More... | |
def | NbPyramidsOfOrder |
Return the number of pyramids with the given order in the mesh. More... | |
def | NbPrisms |
Return the number of prisms in the mesh. More... | |
def | NbPrismsOfOrder |
Return the number of prisms with the given order in the mesh. More... | |
def | NbHexagonalPrisms |
Return the number of hexagonal prisms in the mesh. More... | |
def | NbPolyhedrons |
Return the number of polyhedrons in the mesh. More... | |
def | NbSubMesh |
Return the number of submeshes in the mesh. More... | |
def | GetElementsId |
Return the list of mesh elements IDs. More... | |
def | GetElementsByType |
Return the list of IDs of mesh elements with the given type. More... | |
def | GetNodesId |
Return the list of mesh nodes IDs. More... | |
def | GetElementType |
Return the type of mesh element. More... | |
def | GetElementGeomType |
Return the geometric type of mesh element. More... | |
def | GetElementShape |
Return the shape type of mesh element. More... | |
def | GetSubMeshElementsId |
Return the list of submesh elements IDs. More... | |
def | GetSubMeshNodesId |
Return the list of submesh nodes IDs. More... | |
def | GetSubMeshElementType |
Return type of elements on given shape. More... | |
def | Dump |
Get the mesh description. More... | |
def | GetNodeXYZ |
Get XYZ coordinates of a node If there is no nodes for the given ID - return an empty list. More... | |
def | GetNodeInverseElements |
Return list of IDs of inverse elements for the given node If there is no node for the given ID - return an empty list. More... | |
def | GetNodePosition |
Return the position of a node on the shape. More... | |
def | GetElementPosition |
Return the position of an element on the shape. More... | |
def | GetShapeID |
Return the ID of the shape, on which the given node was generated. More... | |
def | GetShapeIDForElem |
Return the ID of the shape, on which the given element was generated. More... | |
def | GetElemNbNodes |
Return the number of nodes of the given element. More... | |
def | GetElemNode |
Return the node ID the given (zero based) index for the given element If there is no element for the given ID - return -1 If there is no node for the given index - return -2. More... | |
def | GetElemNodes |
Return the IDs of nodes of the given element. More... | |
def | IsMediumNode |
Return true if the given node is the medium node in the given quadratic element. More... | |
def | IsMediumNodeOfAnyElem |
Return true if the given node is the medium node in one of quadratic elements. More... | |
def | ElemNbEdges |
Return the number of edges for the given element. More... | |
def | ElemNbFaces |
Return the number of faces for the given element. More... | |
def | GetElemFaceNodes |
Return nodes of given face (counted from zero) for given volumic element. More... | |
def | GetFaceNormal |
Return three components of normal of given mesh face (or an empty array in KO case) More... | |
def | FindElementByNodes |
Return an element based on all given nodes. More... | |
def | IsPoly |
Return true if the given element is a polygon. More... | |
def | IsQuadratic |
Return true if the given element is quadratic. More... | |
def | GetBallDiameter |
Return diameter of a ball discrete element or zero in case of an invalid id. More... | |
def | BaryCenter |
Return XYZ coordinates of the barycenter of the given element If there is no element for the given ID - return an empty list. More... | |
def | GetIdsFromFilter |
Pass mesh elements through the given filter and return IDs of fitting elements. More... | |
def | GetFreeBorders |
Verify whether a 2D mesh element has free edges (edges connected to one face only) Return a list of special structures (borders). More... | |
def | MinDistance |
Get minimum distance between two nodes, elements or distance to the origin. More... | |
def | GetMinDistance |
Get measure structure specifying minimum distance data between two objects. More... | |
def | BoundingBox |
Get bounding box of the specified object(s) More... | |
def | GetBoundingBox |
Get measure structure specifying bounding box data of the specified object(s) More... | |
def | RemoveElements |
Remove the elements from the mesh by ids. More... | |
def | RemoveNodes |
Remove nodes from mesh by ids. More... | |
def | RemoveOrphanNodes |
Remove all orphan (free) nodes from mesh. More... | |
def | AddNode |
Add a node to the mesh by coordinates. More... | |
def | Add0DElement |
Create a 0D element on a node with given number. More... | |
def | Add0DElementsToAllNodes |
Create 0D elements on all nodes of the given elements except those nodes on which a 0D element already exists. More... | |
def | AddBall |
Create a ball element on a node with given ID. More... | |
def | AddEdge |
Create a linear or quadratic edge (this is determined by the number of given nodes). More... | |
def | AddFace |
Create a linear or quadratic face (this is determined by the number of given nodes). More... | |
def | AddPolygonalFace |
Add a polygonal face to the mesh by the list of node IDs. More... | |
def | AddQuadPolygonalFace |
Add a quadratic polygonal face to the mesh by the list of node IDs. More... | |
def | AddVolume |
Create both simple and quadratic volume (this is determined by the number of given nodes). More... | |
def | AddPolyhedralVolume |
Create a volume of many faces, giving nodes for each face. More... | |
def | AddPolyhedralVolumeByFaces |
Create a volume of many faces, giving the IDs of the existing faces. More... | |
def | SetNodeOnVertex |
Binds a node to a vertex. More... | |
def | SetNodeOnEdge |
Stores the node position on an edge. More... | |
def | SetNodeOnFace |
Stores node position on a face. More... | |
def | SetNodeInVolume |
Binds a node to a solid. More... | |
def | SetMeshElementOnShape |
Bind an element to a shape. More... | |
def | MoveNode |
Move the node with the given id. More... | |
def | MoveClosestNodeToPoint |
Find the node closest to a point and moves it to a point location. More... | |
def | FindNodeClosestTo |
Find the node closest to a point. More... | |
def | FindElementsByPoint |
Find the elements where a point lays IN or ON. More... | |
def | GetPointState |
Return point state in a closed 2D mesh in terms of TopAbs_State enumeration: 0-IN, 1-OUT, 2-ON, 3-UNKNOWN UNKNOWN state means that either mesh is wrong or the analysis fails. More... | |
def | MeshToPassThroughAPoint |
Find the node closest to a point and moves it to a point location. More... | |
def | InverseDiag |
Replace two neighbour triangles sharing Node1-Node2 link with the triangles built on the same 4 nodes but having other common link. More... | |
def | DeleteDiag |
Replace two neighbour triangles sharing Node1-Node2 link with a quadrangle built on the same 4 nodes. More... | |
def | Reorient |
Reorient elements by ids. More... | |
def | ReorientObject |
Reorient all elements of the object. More... | |
def | Reorient2D |
Reorient faces contained in the2DObject. More... | |
def | Reorient2DBy3D |
Reorient faces according to adjacent volumes. More... | |
def | TriToQuad |
Fuse the neighbouring triangles into quadrangles. More... | |
def | TriToQuadObject |
Fuse the neighbouring triangles of the object into quadrangles. More... | |
def | QuadToTri |
Split quadrangles into triangles. More... | |
def | QuadToTriObject |
Split quadrangles into triangles. More... | |
def | QuadTo4Tri |
Split each of given quadrangles into 4 triangles. More... | |
def | SplitQuad |
Split quadrangles into triangles. More... | |
def | SplitQuadObject |
Split quadrangles into triangles. More... | |
def | BestSplit |
Find a better splitting of the given quadrangle. More... | |
def | SplitVolumesIntoTetra |
Split volumic elements into tetrahedrons. More... | |
def | SplitBiQuadraticIntoLinear |
Split bi-quadratic elements into linear ones without creation of additional nodes: More... | |
def | SplitHexahedraIntoPrisms |
Split hexahedra into prisms. More... | |
def | SplitQuadsNearTriangularFacets |
Split quadrangle faces near triangular facets of volumes. More... | |
def | SplitHexaToTetras |
Splits hexahedrons into tetrahedrons. More... | |
def | SplitHexaToPrisms |
Split hexahedrons into prisms. More... | |
def | Smooth |
Smooth elements. More... | |
def | SmoothObject |
Smooth elements which belong to the given object. More... | |
def | SmoothParametric |
Parametrically smooth the given elements. More... | |
def | SmoothParametricObject |
Parametrically smooth the elements which belong to the given object. More... | |
def | ConvertToQuadratic |
Convert the mesh to quadratic or bi-quadratic, deletes old elements, replacing them with quadratic with the same id. More... | |
def | ConvertFromQuadratic |
Convert the mesh from quadratic to ordinary, deletes old quadratic elements, replacing them with ordinary mesh elements with the same id. More... | |
def | Make2DMeshFrom3D |
Create 2D mesh as skin on boundary faces of a 3D mesh. More... | |
def | MakeBoundaryMesh |
Create missing boundary elements. More... | |
def | MakeBoundaryElements |
Create missing boundary elements around either the whole mesh or groups of elements. More... | |
def | RenumberNodes |
Renumber mesh nodes (Obsolete, does nothing) More... | |
def | RenumberElements |
Renumber mesh elements (Obsole, does nothing) More... | |
def | RotationSweepObjects |
Generate new elements by rotation of the given elements and nodes around the axis. More... | |
def | RotationSweep |
Generate new elements by rotation of the elements around the axis. More... | |
def | RotationSweepObject |
Generate new elements by rotation of the elements of object around the axis. More... | |
def | RotationSweepObject1D |
Generate new elements by rotation of the elements of object around the axis. More... | |
def | RotationSweepObject2D |
Generate new elements by rotation of the elements of object around the axis. More... | |
def | ExtrusionSweepObjects |
Generate new elements by extrusion of the given elements and nodes. More... | |
def | ExtrusionSweep |
Generate new elements by extrusion of the elements with given ids. More... | |
def | ExtrusionByNormal |
Generate new elements by extrusion along the normal to a discretized surface or wire. More... | |
def | ExtrusionSweepObject |
Generate new elements by extrusion of the elements or nodes which belong to the object. More... | |
def | ExtrusionSweepObject1D |
Generate new elements by extrusion of edges which belong to the object. More... | |
def | ExtrusionSweepObject2D |
Generate new elements by extrusion of faces which belong to the object. More... | |
def | AdvancedExtrusion |
Generate new elements by extrusion of the elements with given ids. More... | |
def | ExtrusionAlongPathObjects |
Generate new elements by extrusion of the given elements and nodes along the path. More... | |
def | ExtrusionAlongPathX |
Generate new elements by extrusion of the given elements The path of extrusion must be a meshed edge. More... | |
def | ExtrusionAlongPath |
Generate new elements by extrusion of the given elements The path of extrusion must be a meshed edge. More... | |
def | ExtrusionAlongPathObject |
Generate new elements by extrusion of the elements which belong to the object The path of extrusion must be a meshed edge. More... | |
def | ExtrusionAlongPathObject1D |
Generate new elements by extrusion of mesh segments which belong to the object The path of extrusion must be a meshed edge. More... | |
def | ExtrusionAlongPathObject2D |
Generate new elements by extrusion of faces which belong to the object The path of extrusion must be a meshed edge. More... | |
def | Mirror |
Create a symmetrical copy of mesh elements. More... | |
def | MirrorMakeMesh |
Create a new mesh by a symmetrical copy of mesh elements. More... | |
def | MirrorObject |
Create a symmetrical copy of the object. More... | |
def | MirrorObjectMakeMesh |
Create a new mesh by a symmetrical copy of the object. More... | |
def | Translate |
Translate the elements. More... | |
def | TranslateMakeMesh |
Create a new mesh of translated elements. More... | |
def | TranslateObject |
Translate the object. More... | |
def | TranslateObjectMakeMesh |
Create a new mesh from the translated object. More... | |
def | Scale |
Scale the object. More... | |
def | ScaleMakeMesh |
Create a new mesh from the translated object. More... | |
def | Rotate |
Rotate the elements. More... | |
def | RotateMakeMesh |
Create a new mesh of rotated elements. More... | |
def | RotateObject |
Rotate the object. More... | |
def | RotateObjectMakeMesh |
Create a new mesh from the rotated object. More... | |
def | FindCoincidentNodes |
Find groups of adjacent nodes within Tolerance. More... | |
def | FindCoincidentNodesOnPart |
Find groups of ajacent nodes within Tolerance. More... | |
def | MergeNodes |
Merge nodes. More... | |
def | FindEqualElements |
Find the elements built on the same nodes. More... | |
def | MergeElements |
Merge elements in each given group. More... | |
def | MergeEqualElements |
Leave one element and remove all other elements built on the same nodes. More... | |
def | FindCoincidentFreeBorders |
Return groups of FreeBorder's coincident within the given tolerance. More... | |
def | SewCoincidentFreeBorders |
Sew FreeBorder's of each group. More... | |
def | SewFreeBorders |
Sew free borders. More... | |
def | SewConformFreeBorders |
Sew conform free borders. More... | |
def | SewBorderToSide |
Sew border to side. More... | |
def | SewSideElements |
Sew two sides of a mesh. More... | |
def | ChangeElemNodes |
Set new nodes for the given element. More... | |
def | GetLastCreatedNodes |
If during the last operation of MeshEditor some nodes were created, this method return the list of their IDs, if new nodes were not created - return empty list. More... | |
def | GetLastCreatedElems |
If during the last operation of MeshEditor some elements were created this method return the list of their IDs, if new elements were not created - return empty list. More... | |
def | ClearLastCreated |
Forget what nodes and elements were created by the last mesh edition operation. More... | |
def | DoubleElements |
Create duplicates of given elements, i.e. More... | |
def | DoubleNodes |
Create a hole in a mesh by doubling the nodes of some particular elements. More... | |
def | DoubleNode |
Create a hole in a mesh by doubling the nodes of some particular elements This method provided for convenience works as DoubleNodes() described above. More... | |
def | DoubleNodeGroup |
Create a hole in a mesh by doubling the nodes of some particular elements This method provided for convenience works as DoubleNodes() described above. More... | |
def | DoubleNodeGroups |
Create a hole in a mesh by doubling the nodes of some particular elements This method provided for convenience works as DoubleNodes() described above. More... | |
def | DoubleNodeElem |
Create a hole in a mesh by doubling the nodes of some particular elements. More... | |
def | DoubleNodeElemInRegion |
Create a hole in a mesh by doubling the nodes of some particular elements. More... | |
def | DoubleNodeElemGroup |
Create a hole in a mesh by doubling the nodes of some particular elements This method provided for convenience works as DoubleNodes() described above. More... | |
def | DoubleNodeElemGroupInRegion |
Create a hole in a mesh by doubling the nodes of some particular elements This method provided for convenience works as DoubleNodes() described above. More... | |
def | DoubleNodeElemGroups |
Create a hole in a mesh by doubling the nodes of some particular elements This method provided for convenience works as DoubleNodes() described above. More... | |
def | DoubleNodeElemGroupsInRegion |
Create a hole in a mesh by doubling the nodes of some particular elements This method provided for convenience works as DoubleNodes() described above. More... | |
def | AffectedElemGroupsInRegion |
Identify the elements that will be affected by node duplication (actual duplication is not performed. More... | |
def | DoubleNodesOnGroupBoundaries |
Double nodes on shared faces between groups of volumes and create flat elements on demand. More... | |
def | CreateFlatElementsOnFacesGroups |
Double nodes on some external faces and create flat elements. More... | |
def | CreateHoleSkin |
identify all the elements around a geom shape, get the faces delimiting the hole More... | |
def | FunctorValue |
Return value of a functor for a given element. More... | |
def | GetLength |
Get length of 1D element or sum of lengths of all 1D mesh elements. More... | |
def | GetArea |
Get area of 2D element or sum of areas of all 2D mesh elements. More... | |
def | GetVolume |
Get volume of 3D element or sum of volumes of all 3D mesh elements. More... | |
def | GetMaxElementLength |
Get maximum element length. More... | |
def | GetAspectRatio |
Get aspect ratio of 2D or 3D element. More... | |
def | GetWarping |
Get warping angle of 2D element. More... | |
def | GetMinimumAngle |
Get minimum angle of 2D element. More... | |
def | GetTaper |
Get taper of 2D element. More... | |
def | GetSkew |
Get skew of 2D element. More... | |
def | GetMinMax |
Return minimal and maximal value of a given functor. More... | |
def | Triangle |
Creates triangle 2D algorithm for faces. More... | |
def | Polygon |
Creates polygon 2D algorithm for faces. More... | |
def | Quadrangle |
Creates quadrangle 1D-2D algorithm for faces. More... | |
def | Segment |
Creates segment 1D algorithm for edges. More... | |
def | Hexahedron |
Creates hexahedron 3D algorithm for volumes. More... | |
def | UseExisting1DElements |
Creates 1D algorithm for edges with reusing of existing mesh elements. More... | |
def | Projection1D2D |
Creates projection 1D-2D algorithm for faces. More... | |
def | Projection3D |
Creates projection 3D algorithm for volumes. More... | |
def | UseExisting2DElements |
Creates 1D-2D algorithm for faces with reusing of existing mesh elements. More... | |
def | Prism |
Creates prism 3D algorithm for volumes. More... | |
def | Projection2D |
Creates projection 2D algorithm for faces. More... | |
def | UseExistingSegments |
Creates 1D algorithm allowing batch meshing of edges. More... | |
def | UseExistingFaces |
Creates 2D algorithm allowing batch meshing of faces. More... | |
def | Projection1D |
Creates projection 1D algorithm for edges. More... | |
def | BodyFitted |
Creates Body Fitting 3D algorithm for volumes. More... | |
Data Fields | |
smeshpyD | |
geompyD | |
geom | |
editor | |
functors | |
mesh | |
Static Public Attributes | |
int | geom = 0 |
int | mesh = 0 |
int | editor = 0 |
Private Member Functions | |
def | _groupTypeFromShape |
Pivate method to get a type of group on geometry. More... | |
def | _getIdSourceList |
Private method converting arg into a list of SMESH_IdSource's. More... | |
def | _getFunctor |
Static Private Attributes | |
__metaclass__ = MeshMeta | |
This class allows defining and managing a mesh.
It has a set of methods to build a mesh on the given geometry, including the definition of sub-meshes. It also has methods to define groups of mesh elements, to modify a mesh (by addition of new nodes and elements and by changing the existing entities), to get information about a mesh and to export a mesh in different formats.
def __del__ | ( | self | ) |
def Load | ( | self | ) |
Load mesh from the study after opening the study.
private |
Pivate method to get a type of group on geometry.
References Mesh._groupTypeFromShape(), and Mesh.GetName().
private |
Private method converting arg into a list of SMESH_IdSource's.
References Mesh.GetIDSource(), Mesh.GetMesh(), and Mesh.RotationSweepObjects().
def Scale | ( | self, | |
theObject, | |||
thePoint, | |||
theScaleFact, | |||
Copy, | |||
MakeGroups = False |
) |
Scale the object.
theObject | - the object to translate (mesh, submesh, or group) |
thePoint | - base point for scale (SMESH.PointStruct or list of 3 coordinates) |
theScaleFact | - list of 1-3 scale factors for axises |
Copy | - allows copying the translated elements |
MakeGroups | - forces the generation of new groups from existing ones (if Copy) |
References Mesh.GetIDSource().
def ScaleMakeMesh | ( | self, | |
theObject, | |||
thePoint, | |||
theScaleFact, | |||
MakeGroups = False , |
NewMeshName = "" |
) |
Create a new mesh from the translated object.
theObject | - the object to translate (mesh, submesh, or group) |
thePoint | - base point for scale (SMESH.PointStruct or list of 3 coordinates) |
theScaleFact | - list of 1-3 scale factors for axises |
MakeGroups | - forces the generation of new groups from existing ones |
NewMeshName | - the name of the newly created mesh |
References smeshBuilder.geompyD, Mesh.geompyD, Mesh.GetIDSource(), and Mesh.smeshpyD.
def CreateHoleSkin | ( | self, | |
radius, | |||
theShape, | |||
groupName, | |||
theNodesCoords | |||
) |
identify all the elements around a geom shape, get the faces delimiting the hole
private |
References Mesh.functors, and Mesh.mesh.
def Triangle | ( | algo_type, | |
geom_shape = 0 |
) |
Creates triangle 2D algorithm for faces.
This method is dynamically added to Mesh class by the meshing plug-in(s).
If the optional geom_shape parameter is not set, this algorithm is global (applied to whole mesh). Otherwise, this algorithm defines a submesh based on geom_shape subshape.
algo_type | type of algorithm to be created; allowed values are specified by classes implemented by plug-in (see below) |
geom_shape | if defined, the subshape to be meshed (GEOM_Object) |
def Polygon | ( | algo_type, | |
geom_shape = 0 |
) |
Creates polygon 2D algorithm for faces.
This method is dynamically added to Mesh class by the meshing plug-in(s).
If the optional geom_shape parameter is not set, this algorithm is global (applied to whole mesh). Otherwise, this algorithm defines a submesh based on geom_shape subshape.
algo_type | type of algorithm to be created; allowed values are specified by classes implemented by plug-in (see below) |
geom_shape | if defined, the subshape to be meshed (GEOM_Object) |
def Quadrangle | ( | algo_type, | |
geom_shape = 0 |
) |
Creates quadrangle 1D-2D algorithm for faces.
This method is dynamically added to Mesh class by the meshing plug-in(s).
If the optional geom_shape parameter is not set, this algorithm is global (applied to whole mesh). Otherwise, this algorithm defines a submesh based on geom_shape subshape.
algo_type | type of algorithm to be created; allowed values are specified by classes implemented by plug-in (see below) |
geom_shape | if defined, the subshape to be meshed (GEOM_Object) |
def Segment | ( | algo_type, | |
geom_shape = 0 |
) |
Creates segment 1D algorithm for edges.
This method is dynamically added to Mesh class by the meshing plug-in(s).
If the optional geom_shape parameter is not set, this algorithm is global (applied to whole mesh). Otherwise, this algorithm defines a submesh based on geom_shape subshape.
algo_type | type of algorithm to be created; allowed values are specified by classes implemented by plug-in (see below) |
geom_shape | if defined, the subshape to be meshed (GEOM_Object) |
def Hexahedron | ( | algo_type, | |
geom_shape = 0 |
) |
Creates hexahedron 3D algorithm for volumes.
This method is dynamically added to Mesh class by the meshing plug-in(s).
If the optional geom_shape parameter is not set, this algorithm is global (applied to whole mesh). Otherwise, this algorithm defines a submesh based on geom_shape subshape.
algo_type | type of algorithm to be created; allowed values are specified by classes implemented by plug-in (see below) |
geom_shape | if defined, the subshape to be meshed (GEOM_Object) |
def UseExisting1DElements | ( | algo_type, | |
geom_shape = 0 |
) |
Creates 1D algorithm for edges with reusing of existing mesh elements.
This method is dynamically added to Mesh class by the meshing plug-in(s).
If the optional geom_shape parameter is not set, this algorithm is global (applied to whole mesh). Otherwise, this algorithm defines a submesh based on geom_shape subshape.
algo_type | type of algorithm to be created; allowed values are specified by classes implemented by plug-in (see below) |
geom_shape | if defined, the subshape to be meshed (GEOM_Object) |
def Projection1D2D | ( | algo_type, | |
geom_shape = 0 |
) |
Creates projection 1D-2D algorithm for faces.
This method is dynamically added to Mesh class by the meshing plug-in(s).
If the optional geom_shape parameter is not set, this algorithm is global (applied to whole mesh). Otherwise, this algorithm defines a submesh based on geom_shape subshape.
algo_type | type of algorithm to be created; allowed values are specified by classes implemented by plug-in (see below) |
geom_shape | if defined, the subshape to be meshed (GEOM_Object) |
def Projection3D | ( | algo_type, | |
geom_shape = 0 |
) |
Creates projection 3D algorithm for volumes.
This method is dynamically added to Mesh class by the meshing plug-in(s).
If the optional geom_shape parameter is not set, this algorithm is global (applied to whole mesh). Otherwise, this algorithm defines a submesh based on geom_shape subshape.
algo_type | type of algorithm to be created; allowed values are specified by classes implemented by plug-in (see below) |
geom_shape | if defined, the subshape to be meshed (GEOM_Object) |
def UseExisting2DElements | ( | algo_type, | |
geom_shape = 0 |
) |
Creates 1D-2D algorithm for faces with reusing of existing mesh elements.
This method is dynamically added to Mesh class by the meshing plug-in(s).
If the optional geom_shape parameter is not set, this algorithm is global (applied to whole mesh). Otherwise, this algorithm defines a submesh based on geom_shape subshape.
algo_type | type of algorithm to be created; allowed values are specified by classes implemented by plug-in (see below) |
geom_shape | if defined, the subshape to be meshed (GEOM_Object) |
def Prism | ( | algo_type, | |
geom_shape = 0 |
) |
Creates prism 3D algorithm for volumes.
This method is dynamically added to Mesh class by the meshing plug-in(s).
If the optional geom_shape parameter is not set, this algorithm is global (applied to whole mesh). Otherwise, this algorithm defines a submesh based on geom_shape subshape.
algo_type | type of algorithm to be created; allowed values are specified by classes implemented by plug-in (see below) |
geom_shape | if defined, the subshape to be meshed (GEOM_Object) |
def Projection2D | ( | algo_type, | |
geom_shape = 0 |
) |
Creates projection 2D algorithm for faces.
This method is dynamically added to Mesh class by the meshing plug-in(s).
If the optional geom_shape parameter is not set, this algorithm is global (applied to whole mesh). Otherwise, this algorithm defines a submesh based on geom_shape subshape.
algo_type | type of algorithm to be created; allowed values are specified by classes implemented by plug-in (see below) |
geom_shape | if defined, the subshape to be meshed (GEOM_Object) |
def UseExistingSegments | ( | algo_type, | |
geom_shape = 0 |
) |
Creates 1D algorithm allowing batch meshing of edges.
This method is dynamically added to Mesh class by the meshing plug-in(s).
If the optional geom_shape parameter is not set, this algorithm is global (applied to whole mesh). Otherwise, this algorithm defines a submesh based on geom_shape subshape.
algo_type | type of algorithm to be created; allowed values are specified by classes implemented by plug-in (see below) |
geom_shape | if defined, the subshape to be meshed (GEOM_Object) |
def UseExistingFaces | ( | algo_type, | |
geom_shape = 0 |
) |
Creates 2D algorithm allowing batch meshing of faces.
This method is dynamically added to Mesh class by the meshing plug-in(s).
If the optional geom_shape parameter is not set, this algorithm is global (applied to whole mesh). Otherwise, this algorithm defines a submesh based on geom_shape subshape.
algo_type | type of algorithm to be created; allowed values are specified by classes implemented by plug-in (see below) |
geom_shape | if defined, the subshape to be meshed (GEOM_Object) |
def Projection1D | ( | algo_type, | |
geom_shape = 0 |
) |
Creates projection 1D algorithm for edges.
This method is dynamically added to Mesh class by the meshing plug-in(s).
If the optional geom_shape parameter is not set, this algorithm is global (applied to whole mesh). Otherwise, this algorithm defines a submesh based on geom_shape subshape.
algo_type | type of algorithm to be created; allowed values are specified by classes implemented by plug-in (see below) |
geom_shape | if defined, the subshape to be meshed (GEOM_Object) |
def BodyFitted | ( | algo_type, | |
geom_shape = 0 |
) |
Creates Body Fitting 3D algorithm for volumes.
This method is dynamically added to Mesh class by the meshing plug-in(s).
If the optional geom_shape parameter is not set, this algorithm is global (applied to whole mesh). Otherwise, this algorithm defines a submesh based on geom_shape subshape.
algo_type | type of algorithm to be created; allowed values are specified by classes implemented by plug-in (see below) |
geom_shape | if defined, the subshape to be meshed (GEOM_Object) |
staticprivate |
static |
static |
static |
smeshpyD |
geompyD |
geom |
editor |
functors |
mesh |